Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The NIKE passage

John 2:5 “His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." Those who love the LORD should make this their guiding theme each day. It is the simplest, most satisfying approach to life, but does have obstacles. One is do we have the mindset for instant obedience as did those in this passage?


Not a common concept in these times. We want to negotiate and hear alternatives to simple, unvarnished obedience. After all, we have 500 channels to choose from on TV, 5-6 cell phone carriers and a vast menu at eating establishments…why would God limit us to obeying His first call on our lives?

Because, using a TV show title from early days, Father knows best.

The bigger obstacle presented in this passage is hearing God. ”Whatever He tells you.” That is phrase is rich with power. It also presents the challenge to know God’s voice. Suggestions? Spend time in His Word. Obey the obvious. Learn to slow down…get your mind and heart still…listen.

Here’s where we get practical. Want to hear God more clearly? Do what you already know. In each of us is something we know we are not doing that God is calling us to obey. We limit our progress until we obey. You know it is true. He is calling and you are dragging your feet.

Let me summarize this passage as the Nike passage…JUST DO IT!

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