Thursday, March 29, 2012

I’ll be praying for you!

“I’ll be praying for you”.

Someone at church shares a need or concern about health, finances, family or any of a thousand subjects that trouble them. We want to do and say the right thing so we say “I’ll pray for you”…then we forget.

The exception to this is my mentor and role model in ministry, Dr. Hoyte Nelson, Pastor Emeritus FBC, Slidell.

He embodies compassion and concern. He walks with God. He talks with God. I think he and God are best friends.

Twenty two years ago, after my first week on staff at FBC, I saw Dr. Nelson in the sanctuary just before the morning service. He came to me and clasped my hand and asked how I was doing. I told him I was excited at the opportunity to here, but missed my family who would not be moving to Slidell for another 3 weeks. I asked him to pray for them. That was Diana, who was 7 ½ pregnant with our 3rd child Hope, our son Billy age 4 and first daughter, Grace 19 months. Dr. Nelson said he would pray and I thought that was the end of that. Wrong.
Dr. Nelson closed his eyes and began to pray aloud…right there…right then. Didn’t he know people were watching, the service was about to begin, that I felt awkward?

He didn’t seem to mind. Why? He was talking to the Father on my behalf. I don’t remember the words of what he prayed but the moment will be forever pressed into my heart. There have been numerous times since then I have sought him out. I always enjoy the simplicity, sweetness and purity of his heart before the throne of God.

Try this next time someone asks you to pray for them. You’ll both be blessed.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Set Sean Free…Indeed

In Louisiana few things that stirs passions like the New Orleans Saints. Who does not remember where they were the moment we beat the Vikings with an overtime field goal? Starting the second half of the Super Bowl with an onside kick? Tracy Porter’s interception and TD? None of the 100 million female viewers will forget when Drew Brees, with tears in his eyes, was holding his little boy saying “I love you!”

Lately, it has been rough times for the Saints as Bountygate has come out. Football fans love the collisions in the sport and huge hits. But, I don’t think any of us really want to see a player’s career ended on the field, especially for a bounty that pays less than 1/10 of a percent of a player’s annual salary.

Yet when the punishments were handed down, we were up in arms.

I have seen posts on Facebook and pictures on Twitter saying Free Sean Payton. I agree. He should be free and I know how.

John 8:32 Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

It reminds me of why Martha Stewart went to jail. She was not convicted of insider trading but lying to federal investigators and obstruction of justice.

Same for Coach Payton. When you lie to the ultimate boss, Goodell, and then expect others to lie for you, many times you will get caught and punished.

I want to see Coach Payton set free as well…just from a different prison. Like all of us, he needs to be set free from the prison of sinful pride. Let’s pray his year off to spend time with his family will help him gain perspective, passion and rest. Let’s pray he comes back knowing He Who is the truth and sets us free.

Bless you boys!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Watch what you say!

When we go to church on Sundays, we often get caught up in unintentional but habitual lies. What? Lying in church, who would have imagined?

What is the most common lie on Sunday morning? That’s too easy. It’s response you hear when you see someone and ask “How are you?”

Quick, what’s their automatic...thoughtless…insincere response? “I’m fine!” There it is! Right there in God’s house, or at least on His parking lot.

We begin our Lord’s Day expressions by lying to one another.

God has a lot to say about being honest and speaking to one another with integrity. Mean what you say…say what you mean.

Ephesians 4:25 “ Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”

Colossians 3:9 “Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices.”

Why do we tell this Sunday morning lie?

Because we have believed a lie.

The enemy lies and tells us things like “no other family has disobedient kids…financial pressure…marital stress.” Let me use a Greek word for that…BALONEY.
John 8:44 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Any family that pretends they have it together is lying to you and themselves.

The real missed opportunity is that when people become real and vulnerable, God can really work.

Risk the trauma of transparency and tell someone the truth next time they ask how you are doing?

They’ll either not hear you, be speechless or may give you a hug.