Monday, July 2, 2012

Prepare Future Celebrations

Sometimes we miss the great emotions and awe in some of the stories we read about Jesus.

Many of us are familiar with the story where Jesus was teaching in a house and the crowd spilled over out into the streets. Mark chapter .

Four friends were carrying their friend on a mat and could not get in that house. So they took the outside stairs to the roof and began divine demolition work!   They likely had to remove tiles and then burrow through the roof to open a hole.

I imagine it filled the house with dust as they dug.  Jesus may have had a little pile of dust on His head as He preached. This was not in the bulletin or order of worship for that day!

Suddenly, they lowered this helpless guy right in front of Jesus!  Kind of hard to ignore.

Jesus looked up and saw the faith of the four friends and said to the man on the mat, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  He knew this man needed forgiveness for sin more than healing.

Then Jesus perceived thoughts of the critics who questioned His authority.  To demonstrate His authority, He spoke words of healing and then man got up in front of everyone and walked away.

They said everyone was amazed and praised God.  Mild understatement.

Try to picture the rooftop celebration. I think the four friends were high fiving and hollering more that Saint’s fans did when Tracy Porter returned an interception for a TD in the Super Bowl!

It’s not hard to imagine the aftermath.  I can picture them running down the stairs and embracing their friend…shouting...crying for joy…loving God.

Do you think this was the last person they ever tried to bring to Jesus?  Not likely. 

So what’s your excuse? 

Don’t want to “offend” a friend by telling them about Jesus?  

Ignore your fears and focus on the celebration some day when you see them again in heaven and rejoice at God’s goodness and grace.  

You too will be shouting…crying for joy…loving God.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Elevate the Elderly

Leviticus 19:32 "Stand up in the presence of the elderly, and show respect for the aged. Fear your God. I am the LORD.

Proverbs 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life

We’ve read about the four boys bullying an elderly woman who was their school bus monitor. The boys have been suspended a year from the school district. They also have to do 50 hours of community service with elderly.

We, in Western culture, do not honor our elderly for the wisdom and life experience they have acquired.

Creation teaches us that age demands dignity and honor. The older the redwoods, the more majestic. Shouldn’t it be true that the older a man, the more he is to be appreciated by others. Young people are missing a great opportunity when they do not get to know the elderly and associate with them.

Consider four things:
First, age does not mean someone is useless. There are groups of retired men and women who travel the US to build churches. Sounds useful to me. You might be surprised by their wit, humor, and their ability to guide you.

Secondly, allow them to share their life with you. I miss the days of visiting with the only grandfather I knew. He was a limitless fount of wisdom and stories. He retired from Esso in Baton Rouge at 60 and then served as a court bailiff until 80! He once pulled his gun on a prisoner trying to escape. When my grandpa called a warning, the prisoner asked “Are you gonna shoot?” My grandpa said he did not want to, but his hand twitched and he could not make a guarantee. The prisoner gave up!

Thirdly, age carries with it a promise. That when we are old we will receive the respect, dignity and honor that is due us. That someone will care and want to return the love and care that was given so long ago to others. It is the Golden Rule in effect.

Fourthly, remember - growing old is not a disease or a woe to humanity. It is a blessing bestowed by God. Honor the elderly and honor God.