Sunday, May 27, 2012

Simply Present

Count me among the smitten. Our first and so far only grandchild, Conner is going to be a year old in June.
He stays with us during the day when his Mom goes to work so we see him a lot. He is at that wonderful stage where his little face lights up when he sees me.

Who can blame him? He will waddle over to the side of his playpen nearest me, smile and hold his little hands up!

My response?

Pick him up.

Now follows the lesson.

There are times he wants me to get him out of his captivity in the playpen and let him roam free. He wants me for independence only. There are times he wants to be fed or needs to be changed. Sometimes he just wants to be with me. Guess which is my favorite?

Conner is teaching me about the heart of our heavenly Father. How many times do we come to God wanting to get out of our situation or mess? Sometimes we want to be fed or need to get cleaned up for the mess we make of our lives.

But, there are times we just want to know His Presence…Person…Peace.

Take a moment, read a small portion of the Word, quiet your heart and simply enjoy Him. Don’t talk or tell Him what you want or what you are going to do for Him. Just let Him love you. Ps 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”