Friday, June 13, 2008

Father's Day for the Fatherless

Happy Father’s Day. That phrase will echo across the land this weekend and rightfully so.

Millions of families will offer presents to deserving dads, who somehow end up paying for their own gift.

Ties will be modeled, TV trays unwrapped and some will be turned loose in Best Buy to get that “it’s really for my kids” HDTV that Dad really wants.

But how does one celebrate Father’s day when their Dad is no longer around?

How to celebrate when Dad was NEVER around as my case when Dad deserted my brother, mother and I for someone new when I was 4 years old?

You choose to honor the day and not especially the Dad. You can honor your Father in heaven.

How can I honor Father’s day? How about being a better one for my own children? How about begin praying NOW for the grandchildren yet unborn and the in-laws not yet in our family?

I can ask God’s vision for what He designed my current and future family to be and become and start working toward that vision.

I believe in family planning, but not in the usual sense.

I believe God has a plan for our families to honor Him and demonstrate His love and Life to our world.

It begins at home.

How will I celebrate Father’s Day?

I will spend time with each of my children, look into their eyes, ask a few questions about their dreams and see if they will let me look into their hearts.

Then, I will draw aside in stillness and quiet with my Father and let Him look me in the heart and accept his love for me!

Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You Never Know How the Blessing Will Flow

Big secret about me: I love people.

More than that, I love helping people.

Several years ago, I took a class to help me grow I my confidence in my insurance business. It was to help me better understand who I am, what I do effortlessly and how I can bless others.

One exercise was to survey 10-15 people who know me well and ask the following questions:

What makes me unique?

What makes me stand out in a crowd?

What do I do well?

It is a humbling and eye opening exercise I would encourage you to try.

The things that came out about me most consistently were:

- good communicator both with individuals and in public

- passion for people and their needs

- distinctive physical presence- not just size, but height and voice

One thing that came up with people who know me best is that I LOVE to get to know people’s needs and then bring every resource to bear that I can to help them.


I will share some stories in future blogs how the Lord has me in the right place a right time to help others. It is fun and fulfilling.