Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Primetime Prodigal

Two years ago, my family and I got hooked on the TLC show “Jon and Kate plus 8.” We loved to watch the kids. We were amused at all they were growing into and getting into. Having raised four children, my wife and I knew what it was like to pack like an overseas trip just to go grocery shopping. As we watched the show, we got where we had favorites. We could even predict their behavior in certain situations.

The show and kids were unbearably cute.

Sadly, those delightful days may be over.

It is hard to separate fact from fiction, but it is certain there is trouble between Ma & Pa Gosselin.

Jon has grown weary and withdrawn. Kate has become a diva.

When someone keeps telling you how you can trust them, what does that make you think? Right-they can not be trusted.

When Kate continually talks about how everything she does is for the kids- suspicions arise. I have a hard time seeing how her kids “deserve” the expense paid trips, great vacations and million dollar house.

Deserve? I don’t think so.

I just watched the opening episode for season 5 and it was a tragedy on video. Jon & Kate barely acknowledged one another at their sextuplet’s 5th birthday party. Oh sure, she yelled at him to light candles on the cake the way SHE wanted. She yelled at him NOT to tear open a piƱata with his bare hands. She wanted to do it herself. She made him take two trips home to get cakes she had forgotten and her cell phone.

There were some special moments. The most touching was Jon talking to one of his younger daughters. There was real tenderness between them. She hugged his neck and whispered in his ear she did not want him going away again. He said sometimes Daddies got called away to work. That is true if you work offshore or have tours of duty in Iraq.

Jon just seems to want to get away from the media attention and the continuous berating by wife.

There is a need for an intervention.

I pray that someone will guide them into good, godly counseling. Perhaps Kate’s estranged father, who is a minister. She shunned him when his church did not provide cash for baby gifts. She says that her parents are not a part of the kids’ by choice. It is apparently Kate's choice.

For those who watched the 5th birthday party, did you notice ANY family members in attendance?

For someone who treasures family above all else, Kate has insulated her kids from the rest of their blood relatives.

Kate, when you tire of the Prodigal lifestyle, head home.

Both your earthly and heavenly Fathers are waiting for your return with mercy, grace and open arms.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pulse Pounding Parenting

Jesus tells the story of a shepherd who leaves 99 safe sheep to find the one that is lost. He will search beyond the point of weariness to find the stray and bring him back safely.

I have never been a shepherd, but I have a parenting experience that parallels.

In Washington Parish, (a parish is what Louisianans call their counties) is the largest free parish fair in the state. Probably the largest free fair in the nation.

One year, when we were still homeschooling our children, we decided to attend the fair with another family. Our entourage was 4 parents and 6 children. The children being between 6 months and 6 years in age.

This was the busiest day of the fair with over 10,000 in attendance. It was bright and beautiful that day. The picture of a great day for family and fun.

All went well during most of the day, but then it happened.

As we were walking along the midway, Diana, my wife, asked me where Grace was.

Grace being our 3 year old daughter. Grace has always been easy going, quick to grin and easily distracted.

I told Diana I thought Grace was with her.

Pure panic.

Suddenly the 4 parents were in rescue mode and trying to remember to breathe. We were not sure how long she had been missing, which way she could have gone or would she find safety in the arms of a stranger. Our most unimaginable fears were cascading on us every moment and our mouths were cotton dry.

In the midst of all this there was a carnival barker who kept calling out to me, “Mister, hey Mister. Come here.” I ignored his call for about 2-3 minutes and finally turned in anger and frustration and told him to quit bothering me!

He was undeterred and asked a life changing questions, “Is this your little girl?”

There she was. Grace was at a baby pool filled with water and little rubber ducks. You were supposed to pay 50 cent to pick up a duck and see the number on the bottom. The number matched a prize. By the time we got to Grace she had collected about 17 ducks and the barker was contemplating an early retirement!

I was glad to pay the price. You see. This child who once was lost, now was found. No price for her safety and security was too steep.

We called her to us and embraced her with fears and tears both melting away!

I tried to scold her and ask her if she knew how dangerous it was to wander away from me.

She just smiled and with childlike faith said, “Daddy, I knew you would find me!”

Such is the relationship with God’s children. We get drawn away with amusements, enticed by our own desires and into trouble before we realize it.

God being the good shepherd, pursues us to bring us back to Himself. 
Not his home. 
Not Heaven. 
But to the only place of safety and security: in His arms, near to His heart.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Time to Draw Aside

I have a journaling program on my PC and this was the assignment today. Hope it is a blessing to you.

Prose Prompt - Write a story about or tribute to an author, poet or musician (fictional or nonfictional).

He began his career in obscurity. He was the runt of the family and the "baby".. His brothers were fine, strapping kids who looked to be future warriors and leaders of men. he was relegated to prodding stupid, smelly sheep.

He was set aside for special times of quiet contemplation. He knew that sometimes strength came from stillness. Sometimes perspective came from being out of the hurried life.

We need the time when the distractions are diminished, the amusements absent and the clutter cleared away. This man-child, with a heart for God looked inward and upward for ways to occupy his heart and soul.

His sheep knew the comfort, courage and calm of his voice.

They knew he used the simple sling to defeat the bear and the lion. The bear- fierce and loud and intimidating, except to a boy who saw the Creator and feared not the creature.

The lion regal and intimidating. I lay in wait and pounced on those not paying attention. In a flash, the helpless pitiful bleating of the sheep as it realized too late, it's focused, fleshly desires had led it too quickly and subtlety into the range of the lion.

The lion, who lay in wait of the opportunity was about to drown in it's own saliva contemplating the tasty lamb.

There was however and unexpected factor.

The heart of the shepherd.

You see, it may have seemed like the stone from the sling did him in, but the lion was defeated by one with a greater heart. The shepherd king. David. Singer, Musician, Poet, King.

One of the greatest embodiments of a man's man in history. He could slay the giant or shed a tear for a lamb. John Wayne, Rambo and Chuck Norris are sissies compared to him.

Yet. he is an imperfect shadow of He who was to come-the Lamb of God, the Lion, the Good Shepherd, the King.

What troubles you today. The bears are growling and the economy is in the tank? Stay close to the Shepherd and hear His voice.

Being attacked by sin crouching at the door to your heart and home? Submit yourself to the King and the lion who prowls will have to flee.

Then, feel yourself, being lifted off the secure, stable earth. You are being raised up into the arms of the Good Shepherd and instead of standing on your own two feet, you are being held close to His heart. He is whispering in your ear, "I love you. I died for you. Why would you want to wander?"