Friday, December 30, 2011

I hate resolutions

I hate resolutions. It’s like they are made to be broken. I prefer goals. Resolutions are like verbalized wishes; goals imply plans, objectives and action steps.

Where can Christians look for an example of goal setting? How about the book of Philippians 3:13-14.

“But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

We have 3 simple choices

Release the past- When you hold on to the hurts and offenses of the past, they hold you back and hold you down. The Bible says do not have a root of bitterness. Jesus says to forgive as He has forgiven you. Without reservation…requirements…reminders. When you let someone who hurt you occupy your mind, you are giving them control. Why let someone you are mad at continue to affect you?

Release your falls and failures. Focus on who Christ is in you and not what you try to make of yourself.

Paul suffered shipwrecks, misunderstanding, rumors, gossip, beatings and rejection. What was his response? This one thing... forgetting what is behind, he pressed on.

Reach for the prize- Don’t wait for it to come to you, reach, strive strain to pursue God. Jesus says,” Seek first the kingdom of God ...” Matthews 6:33. It is having laser like focus and faith to pursue God despite all distractions. You become what you focus on. Focus on become like them. Focus on become like Him.

Respond to the person of Jesus Christ. God is issuing an upward call. He invites us to be seated with Him in the heavenlies and see life from his perspective. It is amazing to be invited to the throne room of the universe. He tells us to approach the throne of grace boldly.

Three choices..release…reach…respond. Simple to remember, but hard to do.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trauma about Teabow

Why the trauma about Teabow?

There is growing conversation and controversy about Tim Teabow, an NFL quarterback, and his public display of his faith. What a nice change.

For too long we have witnessed the self-idolizing by many athletes and public figures. The attitude that leads to many of our problems is selfishness and forgetting who God is and who we aren't.

Why does Teabow’ s public acknowledgement of God cause such discomfort? For non-Christians, I think it is because when darkness is exposed by light, it causes discomfort. Like roaches running when the light turns on. There is no doubt many non-believers are hoping that Tim will mess up in a public way. They are begging for him to have some public scandal like several TV evangelists 20 years ago.

The more telling discomfort is on the part of many Christians. They feel awkward about a believer taking such a public stance.

Let’s read God’s Word. In Romans 1:16 Paul writes “I am not ashamed of the Gospel…” Paul did not care about his arrest record or being thrown out of many “religious” places in his day. When Paul came to town it was always going to be either a revival or a riot. Sometimes both!

More confrontational are the words of Jesus Himself. Matthew 10:32-33. “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.” Try to find the wiggle room in that phrase.

The holiday season is a great time to be more vocal in sharing your faith. In addition to “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” why not add “God bless you” or “Jesus is the reason for the season.” You’ll be blessed for blessings others…God will see to it.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Slow Down

God spoke to Elijah in I Kings 19, “And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. “

God was heard not in the spectacular, the loud praise and worship music or professional drama that permeates many of our services.   Nothing wrong with some of those expressions of celebration of one’s faith, but they can provide clutter or confusion as often as they provide clarity.

One of the rarest things today is silence and solitude.  We are so bombarded with media, music and messages our mind, much less heart has no time to settle down to listen.

Let me propose something radical.  Try a media fast.  Perhaps just shut off cell phones, avoid the internet and TV for an hour per week.   Then, as the withdrawals settle down, try for a half a day or even 24 hours. (If you try to use your waffle to send a ext message it is time for a break!)

Get  alone to see if you can quiet your mind and heart to hear from God.

“Be still and know I am God”, Psalms 46:10.

Know what you might hear from Him?  He knows you and loves you not in spite of your failings but because of them. He knows you need Him and His mercy and grace to get through each moment.  He may rejoice over you with singing.  Look up Zephaniah 3:17.

In silence you can find solitude…simplicity…the Savior.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wherever (Fill in a credit card) is accepted

Hear this much this time of year?  “Look for where VISA is accepted”.

Romans 15:7 “Accept one another then, as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”

If you use to look up words, you can do  word studies with the click of a mouse. The word for accept in Greek is “Proslambono.”  Aren’t you impressed?

It has 3 levels of meaning.

First level means to receive one another as a blessing or gift.  Do you see others as burdens or blessings? Trials or treasures?

The second level  is to receive someone into your circle of family or friends.  One of the most accepting and intimate acts you can do is to have someone share a family meal with. To invite them into your home is like inviting them into your heart.

That bring us to the deepest level of meaning , “to grant access to one’s own heart”. This is the trauma of transparency. We build walls to protect our hearts at a young age.  By the time we reach adulthood we have walls, gun turrets, a moat with a drawbridge to keep others out.  We go to church and peer at one another from the safety of our castle windows.  We don’t dare get real or open up.  It could be painful or embarrassing to admit we are needy.

Yet, don’t we teach children from the earliest years Jesus wants to live in their hearts? So, if we are open to others, they should find Jesus there.  He is wants to use us to love them…care for them…accept them.

So next time you see a sign or hear a commercial about charge cards being “accepted”, ask God to open you to be accepting of others.

It is a gift where you get more back than you give.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Parades and Promotions

I have thanksgiving traditions. Turkey in excess…cornbread stuffing…football. I usually avoid TV parades. This year, I sat down and actually watched a little of the parade and God spoke to me. How does God speak during a parade?

I was drawn to consider the balloons.

I thought that in the last part of his life, Paul the Apostle was like a parade balloon.

Look at Philippians 1:22-24 ,”If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.”

Paul wrote this letter while chained between two Roman soldiers. He was awaiting his certain execution, or he might call it his promotion day. Yet the joy and anticipation in this passage shines like the noonday sun.

Paul was filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. The Greek word for Spirit is translated “wind or breath”. That reminded me of the hot air to inflate a parade balloon.

Paul was so full of the life of God he was having a hard time staying here. But, just as the parade balloons are held to the earth by the ropes for dozens of people, Paul was tethered by the needs of believers he was teaching and training.

In hospice care there is something special that takes place. Often the patient lingers in unconscious state until they are released by loved ones. It’s like they stay tethered until their loved ones give permission to leave.

When the call came to me 11 years ago that my Mother was at the end, we hurried to Houston to be by her side. We got there at 2 in the morning and spent hours by her side as she struggled. She finally slept peacefully when she heard my brother’s voice by cell phone.

The next morning, we got back to her room at 9, held her hand, prayed and told her it was OK to go. She did. In 25 years of ministry, the first person I had ever been with at the end was my own Mom.

Like Paul, she got her promotion.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Golden Rule Pays Off

I spoke in Venezuela in 1991 during Christmas break. My flight plan was leave Houston for Miami, change planes and get to Caracas, Venezuela. Seemed simple, right?

The plane in Houston was delayed 6 hours so they could change the windshield wiper motor on the pilot’s side of the plane. The grumbling started in the first hour and grew into a chorus of whining the likes of which I had never heard. The poor gate agent faced a line of 30 people yelling, cursing and griping.

I decided to join the line as well.

After waiting in line an hour, my turn came. With a forced smile the exasperated agent said “What can I do for you?”

I replied, “Take a break…relax…tell me about your family and how your Christmas was. I know none of this is your fault and I have watched you show patience with the passengers. Close your eyes and imagine being out of here and these people are gone. I just want to say THANK YOU.”

She was stunned. She asked for my ticket and then did that fast paced keying in to her computer they always do. Then she returned my ticket said to check in at the gate on the rest of my flights to and from Venezuela.

She also booked me on a flight 3 gates away leaving for Miami in 10 minutes, had my bags moved and bumped me to First Class! I asked why. She said it’s like God had sent me to give her hope and she made a note on the computer telling other agents what I had done. She asked them to bump me First Class whenever they could!

All together, I made 5 connecting flights down and back and only sat in coach for one time!

During the holiday madness of shopping and travelling, remember to be kind to those who serve you.

Key concept: do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Simple Gift Request

Once, I was the lead teacher for a 7th grade Sunday school class.

One holiday season, we asked the students what they wanted for Christmas.

As we worked around the room, the usual choices were prominent. TV in my room, a portable phone in my room ( years before cell phones came out), a Sony Walkman tape player (kids ask your parents)or the old standard…cash. “Oh, yeah and me too” echoed in the room as cool gifts were named.

Then, God showed up and humbled us all in the midst of our selfish anticipation.

You know, God speaks through gentle voices and whispers as often as thunder and shouting.

God spoke through a shy, wallflower little boy. We knew this boy rode the bus to church and came from a tough home. We guessed he would ask for something like new shoes, clothes etc.

This little boy stood up, choking on the lump lodged in his throat and in barely audible words simply said, “the one thing that would be my best gift ever is …a friend.”

Stop. Read that line again. Let it cut…sting…convict like we all felt over 30 years go

In our world of instant communication with Facebook, Twitter, texting, cell phone and email…someone in our life wants a friend. Someone who cares. Someone who knows their name and needs. Someone to talk to.

Students, you know who the campus rejects are. 

Adults, we all have neighbors we do not know. 

Will you be Jesus to them and reach them where they are or be too cool to care?

 Everyone on the face of God’s earth is here by His creative, life giving power. They are worth knowing…loving…accepting.

Jesus calls us His body. We are his hands to help the poor...His arms to hug the lonely…His eyes to notice the lonely around us.

Will you bring Jesus to them?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How God increases your worth

 Notice any signs saying WE BUY GOLD on the streets lately? The signs are saturating the city. Gold still retains purchasing power an actually goes up in value.

Do you know how gold used to be refined?

A goldsmith would have a furnace that he could put the gold in a little pot through a hole in the top of the furnace. He would continually stoke the fire from beneath.

As the heat rose, the dross would rise to the top. As the impurities came up he would use an instrument to skim off the junk and debris. This process would continue until he knew the gold had reached it’s most pure level.

How did he know when this was reached?

As he peered into the furnace, he could see a faint reflection of his image in the gold. The more heat and time applied the more the gold would be purified. When the image was clear, focused and exact…the gold was ready.

Troubled by fiery trials? Confused or disappointed with life or with yourself? Bordering on hopelessness?

The sufferings of Job are well documented in the book that bears his name. God allowed the evil one to test him and was he ever tested. His fortune and family were wiped out in a few moments. He did not have much of a future to look forward to either.

In Job 23:10, he reveals a depth of wisdom that age him patience and perspective. “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.”

The Refiner, God is still working in you as He works on you.

Be patient. He is working to have you reflect His love…life…liberty. 

Rejoice that you are being treated like a child of the King.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Count or Write Your Blessings

The last 2 months of every year fly by the fastest. The month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is a blur. Now is a time to pause, reflect and rejoice in thanksgiving.

We used to drive to Houston from Slidell 3-4 times every year when our children were all much younger. It is nearly impossible to get together now. The last time was Katrina evacuation. The trip from our house to grandparents’ was 365 miles. Before Gameboy, Iphone, Ipod or any electronic babysitters came out, we had to either play cassette tapes (kids ask your parents what those are) or try to pickup both radio stations between Baton Rouge and Beaumont. These stations played both kinds of music…country and western.

The challenge was how to keep the children from being bored.

Know what one of our favorite games was? The I Thank God game. It goes like this.

The first person says, “I thank God for…” and then fills in the blank. Now keep in mind the ages of our kids ranged from 2 to 10 during some of those trips. They thanked God for the seat belts, the drive through at McDonalds, puppies etc. Regardless, it was cute and from the heart

One time as a family goal, my wife wrote down what everyone said to see if we could reach a hundred. We made it in short time.

Childish? You know it! But Jesus said if we do not receive the kingdom of God like a little child we will not enter it (Luke 18:17). I look back on those times and realize we were as near the heart of God as a family as we have ever been. We were in kingdom time.

This Thanksgiving, put a note on the fridge with a magnet and a pencil and number the page 1-100. As family or friends walk by, have them fill in the blanks. You will be thankful you did!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Now THIS is a reality show!

I have a great idea for a new reality show.  It's going to have great ratings, be talked about on the internet and light up Twitter non-stop.  Ready for the title…Idolatry Reality.

Former NBA star, Latrell Sprewell turned down a $21 million contract because he said it wasn’t enough money to feed his family. Sprewell made over $96 million during his career.  According to MSNBC, his $5.4 million house went into foreclosure in May 2008. Don’t blame Sprewell for turning down the three-year, $21 million contract though. I mean really, who could live off a measly $7 million a year?

Let’s follow him around as he tries to find a job that will meet his needs.

To many people, Latrell was a “sports idol”.  Millions of kids want to dedicate their lives to becoming like their idol for the fame and fortune. The problem is, many who make it big, lose it quickly.

Right now my lead candidate for an Idolatry Reality series is the hyper ego TO, Terrell Owens.  He got national TV coverage for a tryout to get back into the NFL as a 38 year old recuperating from knee surgery.  Guess how many teams sent someone to watch…ZERO.  This man earned over $30 million in 15 years and now cannot make child support of $5,000 per month.  I guess he overvalued his worth in the marketplace. He also caused controversy in any locker room he joined.

That’s what I call vanity.

I think God is serious when He says “you shall serve no other gods before me”

Though these are obvious examples, how do we expose idols in our everyday lives?  Simple.  Show me where you spend your time and money and I will show you your idol.   To whom does you mind turn when you have quiet moments? Self or God?

I’ll close with a chorus of a familiar song, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace”.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Passionately Pursue Pleasure



Want to know the basic flaw with most Christians? They do not seek pleasure enough.

God created us to pursue pleasure and pursue it with all that we are. Yet, many church leaders tell us just the opposite. “Suppress pleasure…deny pleasure…decline pleasure!”

Jesus said in John 10:10 that HE came that we might have life and that to the fullest. He came to set us free from the presence, power and punishment of sin. He delights in us as a Father does in His children. He loves being with us.

Here’s the rub? Do we delight in Him?

See, that is where, or in Whom, we need to pursue pleasure more and better.

Ps 16:11 says, “11You make known to me the path of life;  in your presence there is fullness of joy;   at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

King David, at the height of worship and wonder in God says in essence YOU are the utmost pleasure. We settle for so little because we choose to pursue pleasure in anything and everything except God. As C.S. Lewis says, “we like children content to play in the mud puddle and miss a holiday at the beach!”

Two authors will blow your mind and challenge the focus of your faith are John Piper and Sam Storms. Piper has written Desiring God and it is summed up in this phrase. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.”

When a husband brings roses to his wife on their anniversary and she thanks him and his response is he felt it was his duty, does she feel honored and treasured? NO. When he take her to dinner or watches the movie she wants to watch and she ask why and his response is “there is no one on earth I would rather spend time with, whose very presence gives me pleasure”, then she feels honored and valued.

It is the same with our Father. He designed us and desires us to long for His presence more than His blessings or gifts. He wants us to savor a relationship with Him.

Back to my opening sentence…we not only do not seek enough pleasure, we seek it from the wrong source. Sin delights for a season (brief time)…God is forevermore.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You can change your job by changing you!

An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end. (Proverbs 20:21 ESV)

Many people say, “If I just won the lottery…all would be OK.”  This seldom turns out to be the case. God has built in to the universe the need for man to labor and produce from his efforts.

There is honor in work and one can walk with integrity for a good day’s labor.

Jim Rohn says it well. “If you want to be paid more, you must become worth more. “


Clue…it does not come from spending endless mindless hours in front of a TV.

Learn not only to labor but to increase your skills as you do so. Labor + skills= increased worth in the marketplace.

You can chop down a tree with a hammer, if you have enough time.
You can chop it down with an ax in shorter time. With a chain saw in a few minutes.

Your job and pay will improve when you improve.

Start today.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Use Good Sense

Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. (Proverbs 19:11 ESV)

As I blogged recently, a simple daily wisdom search in Proverbs can go a long ways.

If people would have the maturity and perspective to have “good sense” as described above, we would see less tension in the home here would be no drive by shooting and no people up in arms ready to do violence because they had been “disrespected”.

Thankfully, Jesus came and took the form of a servant and made himself the lowest level of society so He could reach everyone.  He could have been offended easily and every day. But, He knew and still knows the hearts of men. We are selfish and self-centered when left to ourselves.  We need a savior and redeemer.

He knows we do not need instruction but redemption and transformation.  He gave His life to redeem us from the curse and consequences of sin.  His spirit comes to live in us to grow us into the image of Jesus.

Those who read this today…be careful.  Surely something will come up where you have to put this into practice.  Be of good sense.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Use it or Lose It

Proverbs 18:15 “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”
Jim Rohm said many things well in his four decades of being a personal development speaker. One of thing that sticks out is his saying,”Formal education will get you a job…self education will make you a fortune”.
I believe Jim was paraphrasing the above Proverb.
Many of the most successful people in business made their fortune BEYOND what they learned in the classroom.
Steve Jobs with Apple…Bill Gates with Microsoft…Michael Dell…Sam Walton.
One of the saddest decision people make when they complete their formal education, whether it be high school, college or an advanced degree, is to believe they are done with the learning process.
With us living in the digital and information age, many tend to grow less mentally stimulated by endless hours in being entertained.
W. Clement Stone once challenged one of the people he mentored to give up an hour of TV per night to study something in depth. That works out to 365 hours in a year…the equivalent of 9 work weeks! Most of us could enrich our lives and those around us by making this simple commitment.
One of the best ways a family can grow in wisdom and knowledge is to use the book of Proverbs for a daily Wisdom Search. Read the chapter that corresponds to that date, today being the 18th, and make note of these incredible collection of wisdom nuggets.
What can you learn in this book?
God’s wisdom on relationship…communications…partnership…diligence…hard work…industry…choosing friends and much more.
Note this…education is not a matter of the will, the mind or just a formal system. It is a matter of the heart. When students go to school we should pray that their HEART is set to acquire knowledge. Not to just sit and absorb, buy to acquire it and take possession and put it into practice.
Charles “Tremendous” Jones said it well.
“You will be the same in five years in you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”
Simply put…use it or lose it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Want a successful school year?

By the time you read this, school will either be a week away or will have just opened.

Families will be busy preparing physically for getting supplies, uniforms, bus schedules and maybe even transition to a new school or promoted.

There will be the anxieties, tears and emotions that always come with the first day of school as surely as the sun rises and sets. There will be wailing in the parking lot and hallways both. This is just the parents. Sometimes the kids even get upset!

What simple Christian discipline can help? What investment of 10 minutes a day as a family can help improve grades…focus… purpose? What can help with clear thinking…promised success…access to wisdom and not just knowledge?

Ready? Scripture memory.

What? Pick a verse per week or one every two weeks and begin to learn it by memory on Sunday and share it daily with one another. It will unite hearts, create perspective and begin to discipline the mind to retain and organize information for easier recall.

How to begin? Find a few key verses you like and write them on cards for each family member. Write in on sticky notes and post around the house. Print it big and put it at the kitchen table. Read over it at night at meal time.

Or, if you have an Iphone, download the free ap called Bible Memory Verses by Woody Hays. Or get the printed Fighter Verses system for $13 from Desiring God.

Why go to all this trouble? God’s promised blessings for memorizing His Word.

You will have good success (Joshua 1:8)
You will have prosperity (Psalm 1:2)
You will excel in wisdom and understanding (Psalm 119:97, 100)
You will have victory over sin (Psalm 119:9-11)
You will have victory over enemies (Psalm 119:23)
You will have victory over temptation (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10)

I challenge you to try this for a month and prove God’s Word faithful.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

You gotta be Kidding!

An old hymn tells us to “count our blessings, name them one by one.” Want to really grow? Count your buffetings, name them one by one.

Chew on this…God will treat us as gently as we allow or firmly as we demand. We can cooperate when He brings brokenness and healing or we can struggle with Him and delay the process.

Recently, one of my family members had to go back into the hospital two days after their initial surgery. Doctors had to reopen and cleanse an incision. It was not healing properly and was a nest of infection. Now, the incision is being treated with washing with water and medication and redressing every other day by a home health nurse. There is also a device that has to be worn 24/7 to draw the infection out. Oh fun!
The treatment times are uncomfortable if not painful. There is almost a desire to feel bad toward the nurse. But, the end result must be kept in mind. A restoration to health and strength.

There are times God uses people and circumstances to open old wounds so we might see our spiritual infection, confess it and receive His cleansing. He has the desire to press into our lives not only humility which draws His grace, but to develop an attitude of gratitude. The Bible says not just to thank Him IN the difficulties, but thank Him FOR the difficulties. Eph 5:20 says,giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Take a moment today and go to the Father and pour your heart out and thank Him for the difficulties.

Psalms 62:8 “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.”

Poor jobs, tough economics, rebellious children. Thank Him that all these and more remind us deeply of our need for Him and Him only. He will delight when we love to long for Him more than the blessing He bestows His presence is His best blessing.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gold from Gitomer

Jeffrey Gitomer  ( is one of the brightest minds in the world of sales. He has 500,000 subscribers to his weekly email. He is published in hundreds of weekly business journals. He is always thinking and challenging his readers to do the same. I have read all of his books at least 3 times apiece. Each time I see something different and practical to apply.

I am re-reading the Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. It is fantastic.

The concept on page 84 is a life changer. “An attitude-action lesson you can begin to use the minute you read it” is the page title.

The basic concept is to substitute the words “I’m sorry” with the words “Thank you!”


Because when you do you change from a state of being (sorry) to an action to improve yourself and walk in humility. Most people find humility in others attractive and disarming. We see so little of it these days.

Next time you are corrected or criticized try something like this, “Thank you for pointing that out to me. I appreciate you wanting to help me grow into who God designed and desires me to be.”

It is saying to your audience that you acknowledge what they say, count it as valuable and will make an immediate change in mind and actions.

You admit you missed the mark.

That is the definition of repentance.

This is what Jesus put as a priority. Matthew 4:17 "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

God gives grace to the humble. He will see you through the humble time. It stings our ungodly false pride, but you can get used to it. You will grow more like His Son when you do so.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bored? Here’s why?

Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.”

Sounds like Solomon was a little frustrated when he wrote this.

The word vanity is “breath or puff of air”. Solomon is saying that all he can see as a purpose of life is like a puff when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake. Life lasts that long and has about that much affect and meaning.

How did he get to this point? Solomon was so wealthy as to be beyond calculation He had everything most people want…houses…gold…land…income stream from everyone in the land…hundreds of women at his disposal. Yet with it all, he was unhappy and unfulfilled.

Why? He could not find purpose in life. He was bored.

What is boredom? It is suppressed anger. It is being dissatisfied with what you have and you cannot enjoy or appreciate it. It is not seeing purpose or the big picture in your life.
What is the big picture? How does one discover life purpose and overcome boredom, depression and fatigue?

Get back to the Creator. Understanding why God made man our purpose will bring us satisfaction and direction.

God made man to be in a relationship with Himself. This relationship is to express God’s love, mercy and care through us to others. We are blessed with the potential of our lives being so commingled with the life of God as to be inseparable. God has made us to be his dwelling place.

When Jesus came to live in the flesh was it uncomfortable for Him? No. God has designed out hearts, minds, soul and body to contain and express His life. Jesus was the ultimate example of what God intended man to be an do in the body he gave us.

Jesus experienced hunger…pain…isolation…rejection…mistrust and betrayal yet in it all he fulfilled His purpose. He glorified God and his name. We have that same opportunity and potential.

Take a few moments of quiet time and get with God. Quiet your mind and heart before Him and ask Him to press upon your heart the reasons He made you and what He wants you to become. He will.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Parenting for a Purpose

 One of the benefits of being a minister in the same town for over twenty years is seeing generations grow up and begin their own homes. We have celebrated weddings, children being born and then these children growing to love Jesus as well.

My wife and I attended a wonderful wedding on Memorial Day weekend for one of the families we have known for twenty years. The ceremony was spiritual and unique at the same time. The couple exchanged vows on an outside terrace of a hotel in the French Quarter. One of the most unusual sights was hotel guests pressing their faces to the windows to watch the wedding. 

Everyone loves a wedding!

The real celebration was at the reception from 7-10 p.m. Lively conversation between friends and families, great food and drink, live music and dancing! Little wonder Jesus did His first miracle at a wedding. When He turned water into wine it was taking something plain, infusing it with His life to make it something that was tasty, fragrant and intoxicating. He did the same thing when He joined these two young people into one.

As I reflected on the how the parents raised the young woman, the words of this song came to mind. It reflects the greatest goal parents can have for their little girls.

Somewhere in the world today
A little girl will go out to play
All dressed up in mama's clothes
At least the way that I suppose it goes
Somewhere in the world tonight
Before she reaches to turn out the light
She'll be prayin' from a tender heart
A simple prayer that's a work of art


And I don't even know her name
But I'm prayin' for her just the same
That the Lord will write His name upon her heart
'Cause somewhere in the course of this life
A little boy will need a godly wife
So hold on to Jesus, baby, wherever you are 

Somewhere in the world out there
That little girl's learnin' how to care
She's pickin' up her mamas charms
Or maybe, swingin' 'round in her daddy's arms
Somewhere in the world to be
Though the future's not real clear to me
Their's could be a tender love
Grounded in eternal love above lyrics by Wayne Watson

Parents, we have an awesome opportunity…don’t blow it!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hear the Call?


Mark 1: 17 And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men. “

Ever notice sometimes it’s hard to find Jesus when we expect in worship service but he shows up in everyday life when we are not looking for him?

The men He spoke to here were getting ready for another back breaking, soul draining day of fishing. Fishing is fun until it becomes work. Then, Jesus shows up and says follow Him and He will make them into someone that is productive for the Kingdom. He uses an analogy related to their vocation. This is instructive for several reasons.

When we follow Jesus He meet us in our world and gives new purpose to who we are and what we do. He said He will MAKE them in to fishers of men he does not expect to make ourselves into something. He who begins a good work in us will see it through to completion. At those time He calls us out of our comfort zone, He is drawing us to be more dependent on Him. God will never call us to do or be something for Him that He will not equip us for.

These guys knew how to fish. They knew you have to prepare the nets for the catch. They knew you had to go where the fish were. They knew fishing was a team effort to drop and draw the nets alongside their small boats. They knew how to read the weather signs ahead coming storms.

When Jesus calls us to be fishers of men, how does this translate to our new task? We must be prepared to respond when we find hearts needing to hear about Jesus. We have to be ready in the people groups we associate with... family, friends, work place friends, neighbors, sports team friends, etc. we can be responsive to them spiritually without being offending or overly aggressive. The Word says to be prepared at any time to give a reason for the hope that is in you.

It is also a team effort. We re to pray for and encourage other believers to be looking for “troubled hearts and broken dreams” in the lives of others. This is a good place to introduce others to the tender mercy, grace and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ.

Do you hear His call?

Monday, May 16, 2011

God's Desire for Us

Mark 1: 11 “And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” 12 The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. 13 And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him.”

Most printed copes of the Gospel of Mark are printed with a gap between verses 11 & 12.

This misleads many of us to believe that when God says he is pleased with us because of relationship, everything in life is going to be smooth. There are TV preachers and even local pastors that preach the message of “health & wealth” coming your way when you get right with God.


God will desire and design challenging times in our lives to refine us like gold in the furnace. He wants to burn away anything or anyone we desire more than Him.

You see, God is more committed to our holiness than our happiness. Sounds like fun, huh? Yet, quoting the old TV show, Father knows best. He knows that as we pursue holiness in how we live and worship, joy will follow. He designed us to be vessels that contain and express His life to those around us and bring Him glory in all we are and do.

When difficulty comes into our lives we are to welcome it and see it as a gift from the Father. He is…
…the vinedresser trimming us to be more fruitful
…the Father disciplining those he loves
… the Holy God removing impurities from our lives.

Hebrews 12:10 says it well. “but he (God) disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness.”
He is the loving parent who does not withhold that which is best for us. Why does He want to share his holiness?

Because it is how we are most fulfilled…fruitful. filled.

SO, next time you find yourself in trials, thank God for who is He is making you become.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Firemen Saying Thanks

We were surprised twice last week with visits from the fire department. Nothing was the matter it’s them wanting to say “Thanks.”

On Wednesday, May 4th, the funeral procession for a fallen firefighter went right in front of our school. The children here went down for their naps early and got up early so we could pay our respects. We had 40 children from ages 1-4 lined up inside the fence and some were holding flags as the procession went by.

We were not even sure they would be spotted. We were wrong.

The next day one of the fire stations called to see if they could come by to tell the kids they were touched. The children got to climb all over the truck and get their pictures taken. It was pretty exciting!

The next, day, 2 trucks pulled p to say thanks as well. More climbing and photo ops.

When I spoke to the fire chief to thank him for the men coming by, he was thankful to us. He said the children were spotted by the fence that day and it caused a lump in the throats of all the firemen. One group of firemen down from Georgia was so affected the chief said it “Blubberized them!”

We thank God for being on the route of the procession and being able to teach our children to take a public stand to honor our first responders.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The King’s Speech

I saw the Oscar winning movie The King’s Speech the other day. It is great movie except for one bit of language, but well worth watching to understand a little more of British culture. It also gives insight to something we in America can hardly fathom. That being the ways royals are treated by commoners.

The speech coach was not allowed to speak unless spoken to, had to back out of rooms and never turn his back on the royal presence and always address royalty with their title as their first name. “King this, Prince that.”

No wonder we went to war with them!

What struck me is something the king said. Basically the king said he did not know how to talk with a commoner because he did not know any. Talk about out of touch! I am so glad that can never be said of my King, Jesus Christ.

He created us commoners. To fully communicate with us, He became one of us. Philippians 2 says “5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.”

Jesus came to earth and became the lowest common denominator in humanity so he could reach all of us. He did not come as a royal ruler, though He is the King of hearts. He came as a bondservant. What is a bondservant? One definition is, “devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interests. On its basic level a bondservant is simply following your master to complete disregard of your own will, emotions, and desires.”

Jesus came not for his will but to follow the will of God with no regard for his own gain or reputation. If we were to follow this mindset we would have less disappointment and disillusionment. 

Give it a try.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

P F means Pretty Fantastic


Last night, Diana and I ventured across the Lake and did some last minute shopping for clothes for me.  We were right by PF Chang’s when we finished clothes shopping.   So, I called a good friend, Jerome Jackson,  who is Executive Chef there to see if he was on duty and he was not.  He had spoken so well of the restaurant we decided to go anyway.

Best decision I have made in quite some time!

Jerome called ahead to let the manager know we were coming and  got us a table quickly.  We had the dinner for two and it was fabulous. Choice of soups. starter, 2 entrée’s and mini desserts. 

The hot & sour soup was thick and just at ouch of spicy.  We had the lettuce wrap for starters and it was a food that entailed creativity and manual dexterity.  They bring you extremely fresh ice berg lettuce and diced chicken that has been cooked with other items. You scoop the chicken into the lettuce then roll it  and eat it.  It is superb.

We had 2 types of chicken for entrees’ and they were both great tasting and huge portions.

The service was fantastic.  We had an experienced pro who was training a new waiter on his 4th day on the job.  They both were attentive without being intrusive.

Each of the managers on duty stopped by to see if we were enjoying the meal.  We were.  I told one of the managers they should have diners bring a thesaurus so they don’t run out of adjectives to describe the experience.

PF Chang is not just food…it is an experience. 

We were seated between families wrapping up their work week with kids bounding all around.  On the other side were students dressed all grown up for Senor Prom. It was a great people watching opportunity.

I would sum up PF Chang as fun, fantastic, family-friendly and a fine value for the money.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Goodbye Blessing


Romans 15: 33 May the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

Does anyone besides me miss the old days of actually writing letters or cards to others? When I would open the letter, if there were no return address, I would hurry to read the bottom to see who it was from. Also, I like to read how it was signed, usually something sincere like, “sincerely yours”. Who talks that way?

I love the way Paul signs off his letter to the church at Rome.

may the God of peace be with you all.  Has a Southern sound to it right?  What about this peace?

  • Peace in the hearts of those who follow and worship Him
  • Peace when we get to heaven
  • Peace with our sins being forgiven and cleansed
  • Peace in homes that all love Jesus and one another
  • Peace in the midst of a sin soaked world, gone mad
  • Peace when you lay down…rise up…go about your day

When a loved one leaves us we appreciate and treasure their last words.

As you go about your day and prepare for the weekend, give others this blessing. You’ll be blessed, too!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Its about a Person…not a Preference... Priority...Principles

Romans 14:1 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. 2 One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. 3 Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. 4 Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master  that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
5 One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7 For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. 8 For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.

WE followers of Jesus Christ get caught up in criticism of others or calling into questions how they pursuee their faith in Jesus.

A key to understanding how to be more tolerant or actually, Christlike with others is in a series of words that begin with the letter “P”.

Preference- in many churches today they are having “worship wars” over style of music and use of instruments.  Many times it seems to be inter-generational.  The older group prefers “the way it was when we grew up” and the younger prefer more lively and praise oriented.  Guess what?  Neither group is totally right or wrong. The Bible says worship with “psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.”  In other words  songs that sing ABOUT  God and those who sing TO God.

Priorities- some think the end of all the church is evangelism that is to reach and bring to conversion non-believers. Others thinks it is small group ministry.  Some put priority on caring and social ministries. Same thing, they all have a place in the balance of the Body of Christ.

Principles- these love the teaching aspect of Christianity.  They think the Bible is a huge instructional manual to be analyzed, digested, arranged into topics and checklist given to live the Christian life. Really?  Ever try to cozy up with dishwasher operator manual?  Get insight that tell you how to live with a cell phone instruction book? It’s not the end all of faith either.

Person-finally we have it.  It is all about Jesus. The whole of Scripture is about getting to know Him.  He loves us the way we are and loves us enough not to leave us that way. He knows the more time you spend with Him the more you become like  Him.  

We are not trying to live to obtain His pleasure but understanding that the moment we become His, He is pleased with us.  We do not live our lives to obtain His favor but begin our new life in Him secure in His favor.

This is the good news believers need to expect and experience....God loves you!   You're free to become what He wants and not just behave how others want!  But we can also give others freedom to follow the way He leads them.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Go ahead…experience life..let it touch you!


Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”


Paul is brining his most intense, in depth letter to a conclusion with a ton of practical advise.  Here he is saying “Let life and the experiences of others touch you.


Too many times we think we have to live in isolation or insulation.  Don’t get involved and don’t be affected.  That is not realistic and it dishonors the way God created emotions to be part of who we are and how we express ourselves.


Read the life of Christ and see the emotions He expresses.  Holy anger…limitless joy…gentle weeping.


In this passage, Paul wants us  to enter into the most intimate parts of other believers’ lives. A joy shared is doubled.  A burden shared is reduced.


Get involved with the joy & pain of others and see how Jesus will love them through you.  You may even get it back someday.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Crybaby Christ


John 11:35  Jesus wept.


Doesn’t sound too rugged for this day and time.  Here was a guy leading at least 12 men on a 3 year hiking tour in the Middle East who camped out, walked everywhere and cleansed the Temple of money grubbers with a white hot holy anger.


Now He’s crying!  What gives?


Jesus gives.  He is abut to give His life.


He is about to raise someone from the dead and start the final countdown to His death. and He’s weeping.


Weep is a powerful word.  It’s not like the sobbing, crying uncontrolled we sometimes think of.  It has sense of gentleness…brokenness…grief beyond expression.


I think perhaps Jesus was weeping at the brokenness sin has brought into this world. The curse of death and destruction that follows.  Perhaps too weeping at the intense sorrow of losing  loved one to death.


It is wonderful to worship a Messiah moved with compassion for His children. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Seeing & Believing

John 9:35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and having found him he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”  36 He answered, “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?” 37 Jesus said to him, “You have seen him, and it is he who is speaking to you.” 38 He said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.


It may cost you to to walk with Jesus. You may note be accepted by the “religious” people of the day.




In a word…focus!



Many religious leaders get caught in the trap of focusing on rules, rituals and reasons.   Jesus is all about relationships.


The man healed from blindness did not fit into their routine so he was threat to be ignored or silenced.  He was thrown out of the local religious gathering but found Jesus. Not bad.


He asked Jesus to see the promised one. Jesus said you are looking at Him.


The man…saw…heard…believed.


His response?   He worshipped. 


Ask Jesus to show Himself to you and speak to you.  When he does, you will worship as well.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jesus…founder of Women’s Liberation Movement


John 8:8:1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. 3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst 4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. 5 Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” 6 This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. 9 But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”


Pick any Gospel account of Jesus and see how He treated women.  It is  telling lesson for ALL men.


Jesus hung out with  some women who would be ridiculed, rejected and scorned by “proper” society.


So what?


The reason so many women followed Him and cared for him is that He did not treat them like possessions but a persons created in the image of God.  They were also attracted to Him because he was the absolute best at relationships.


Observe this.  Jesus saved His harshest words for those “religious” leaders who looked down on others.  He called them snakes and worse.


He offered words of healing, tenderness and mercy to those who were owning up to their sin. He restored them to the Father.


For women, He set them free.


By the way, in this story above, why wasn't the man brought before Jesus?  Sounds like double standard to me.  What do you think? Is our society any different?  Many seem to tolerate men’s “indiscretion” yet have harsh and condemning names for a woman involved. in these types of relationships.


Jesus called them something too…friend and family.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What you see is NOT what you get!

John 7:24  Jesus said, “Do not judge by mere appearance…”

How many times daily do we violate this commandment?  Go ahead. Admit it. 

You see someone and by their grooming, style of dress, carriage and even smell put them into a category or compartment that works for you.  People have to fit into your image of their comfort zone for you to feel comfortable in your zone.

Also, what do we believers think when we see people from other denominations? Do we focus on what we have in common, love for Jesus, or what our differences are?  Do we confuse principles and preferences among believers?

Most believers that get to Heaven are in for two surprises…who’s there and who’s not!

Let’s talk about others.

You see someone who seems “down on his luck” and think he probably deserves what he is going through. If you take time to get to know their story you may become sympathetic or compassionate.

Once there was a man beaten and left for dead on the road.  Three people passed his way. Two were religious leaders who avoided being seen much less touching one of “those people”.  Only one was commended by Jesus.  The one who not only looked and spoke strangely but was from the wrong side of town or in this case, the Holy Land!

I used to ask my youth group how to find where God was working on the campus. 

Know where?

“Look for hurting or broken hearts"!  Then dare to get involved.
 Walk up to them and shock them by saying “Hi, my name is_____”. Then, try to become their friend. Most of the loners or campus outcasts long to be known…cared about…or just have a friend. They can be real responsive to Jesus.

I remember attending a youth Christmas party 30 years ago and we went around the room sharing what we really wanted for Christmas if there was no limit. Cars, houses, clothing, jewelry. When it came to the group nerd, he shut the rest of us up. His one wish for Christmas…”a friend.”

In most churches, we cannot handle raw unfiltered emotion or pain. How sad.  We miss the opportunity to be Jesus' ambassador to those in pain. God can bring us out of our comfort zone into their place of pain and loneliness and we both grow in the knowledge of God’s grace. We are blessed to be a blessing.

Open your eyes.  Better still, open your heart.   Let others in and let Jesus out!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Right King…Wrong Kingdom

John 6:15 “Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.”

If this had been today, it would have led to the marketing department going crazy.  This is what they would have hoped for.  Jesus had become so popular the people were going to bypass American Idol, Dancing with the Stars and Oprah and make Jesus King!

Great!  No wait! 

Heres’ the problems in their plans:

  • He already IS King…over the unseen, spiritual world
  • To make someone leader you have to have authority to do that…He is the Authority
  • To make someone king there is usually territory involved…His Kingdom was not of this world, but in our hearts
  • Jesus knew before the crown of gold came one of thorns.

He knew their motive was to make Him leader because he had fed them, had good words and was popular.  In other words, He was what most politicians want to be and promise to do.

Thankfully, He is reliable, trustworthy and has nothing personal to gain.  

That is except to call to Himself and redeem His Bride, the Church. 

Do you hear Him calling? 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Laboring for Light

Last night Slidell, Louisiana was struck by wind, lightning and rain.  Rain was blowing sideways and sure enough, the lights went out a little before 8.

It was eerie to drive to our home with no lights glowing or trying to distract us.  Also, there were no lights to control traffic or show us the street signs.

While we groused about “where were the lights or my TV?” brave people were giving up their comfort for our power to be restored.  Thanks to those men and women who got us back connected to power and bringing us light. ( Our lights came back on a little before 10.)

You know…it’s almost spiritual

Many in our world are without light, guidance or comfort.  They too have become disconnected from the source of power we all need…Jesus..

We believers have the connection people need to the giver of life and we hold it to ourselves selfishly.  How would the world change if we had the same commitment that the workers of local utilities have.  What can Christians learn from them?  Here are a few:

  • Willing to go out when others want to stay in
  • Sacrifice their comfort for ours
  • Risks their health so we can see
  • Know that they are ESSENTIAL to getting people connected to the power they need
  • Have a sense of purpose and passion for their commitment that put most of us to shame

Why don’t believers have this commitment?  May be they have short circuited their own connection.

Jesus says come on back…He’s waiting to recharge you and use you to honor him!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How do you greet the day?


When I answer the phone I love to have a unique and fun greeting. Why?

  • It sets the tone for the call
  • It helps others be encouraged when they call
  • It reminds the caller and me that life can be fun and fantastic
  • To hear myself say it aloud reinforces my heart and mind set for the day

How do I answer?  Here is my work week.  Feel free to adapt to your own use.

“It’s a __________________ at Open Arms. This is Lee.  How may I help you?”

Marvelous Monday

Terrific Tuesday

Wonderful Wednesday

Thrilling Thursday

Fantastic (or finally) Friday

You will love the moment of silence when the caller takes it in.  You can almost hear the smile on their end of the phone.

You are blessed to be a blessing!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Miracle Healing with Dads

I have noticed something as Executive Director of Open Arms Child Development Center.

When children come in with Mom, their legs don’t work. They have to be carried.  When they come in with Dad, they get healed! No kidding.  Kids are almost always carried in by Mom and seldom by Dad.

What can we learn from this?
  • Moms have a hard time with “their baby” getting older…Dads are getting them in shape for yard work & taking the trash out.
  • Moms tend to coddle…Dads tend to command.
  • Moms can carry  a child, 3 bags draped over her arms and a car seat and all supplies…Dads have a good day if they don’t leave their kids somewhere!
What’s the real lesson?  Children need the balance of Mom and Dad both.

I look at parenting as being two banks of a river.  With two firm banks a rive has direction, flow and stays clean.
Without banks a river becomes a stagnant swamp…yucky, smelly and dead.

Parents…be the banks (limits, direction, security) your child needs.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another happy parent


This is yet another testimonial form a parent who has a child at Open Arms here in Slidell, Louisiana.


It is my joy to be the Executive Director in charge of 3 things: Ministry, Marketing, & Management.


We re honored to be a part of every home we touch and are already seeing little children encourage their parents to be more active spiritually.


Parent testimony

Monday, March 28, 2011

It Feels Soul Good!


3 John:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.


We spend billions each year to try to gain or maintain our physical health.  We spend billons on mental health as well.  We seek peace of mind and  health.


John says if we maintain our soul these things will follow.


How can we get things to go well for our soul?  Go to the soul maker, Jesus.


He made us and designed us to fellowship with Him.  Spend time with Him in the Bible and prayer and see how your soul  begins to gain health.


The healthier the soul is the more you will think, act and feel the way Jesus does about others.  You will see people with eyes of mercy and grace.  You will want to be part of God’s redemptive plan.


You will know the riches of Christ in a relationship that makes other pale in comparison.


So, start your way to a healthy soul today.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ministry Musings?


In a local church, there are many types of ministry to serve and help specific groups.


For example….Senior Adult Ministry helps Seniors


Youth ministry helps youth


Children’s ministry help children.


So that begs the question.  What does TV ministry help?


Just a thought.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How we doing?


2 John verse 4 I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father.


John was deeply moved to hear that some of those he grew into maturity were walking in truth.  That is , their life was staying on the straight and narrow and making  a difference.


Any parent can relate.  We long to hear good things of how our children are doing when they are away from home.  It does not matter if they are just playing down the street with a friend, at school or living in another state hundreds of miles away.


It particularly delights our hearts to hear our loved ones have remained or returned to the faith of their fathers.


We call it love that lasts!

Don't Fail This One Question Exam!

1 John 5: 11 And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

What is the most important question you ever have to answer?

Did you go to church every week?

Were you a good person?

Were you religious?

Did you try to follow the 10 commandments?

None of the above.

It is- “What did you do with My Son, Jesus?”

God gave and defined eternal life…life in the Son, Jesus.  It is all about relationship with God through Jesus.  

For all of time, in trying to follow God man has attempted to:




God says, “Love Me by loving and living in My Son.”

KISS- Keep it simple, saints