Sunday, December 4, 2011

Slow Down

God spoke to Elijah in I Kings 19, “And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. “

God was heard not in the spectacular, the loud praise and worship music or professional drama that permeates many of our services.   Nothing wrong with some of those expressions of celebration of one’s faith, but they can provide clutter or confusion as often as they provide clarity.

One of the rarest things today is silence and solitude.  We are so bombarded with media, music and messages our mind, much less heart has no time to settle down to listen.

Let me propose something radical.  Try a media fast.  Perhaps just shut off cell phones, avoid the internet and TV for an hour per week.   Then, as the withdrawals settle down, try for a half a day or even 24 hours. (If you try to use your waffle to send a ext message it is time for a break!)

Get  alone to see if you can quiet your mind and heart to hear from God.

“Be still and know I am God”, Psalms 46:10.

Know what you might hear from Him?  He knows you and loves you not in spite of your failings but because of them. He knows you need Him and His mercy and grace to get through each moment.  He may rejoice over you with singing.  Look up Zephaniah 3:17.

In silence you can find solitude…simplicity…the Savior.

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