Saturday, April 14, 2012

What if God used Social Media?

Much of communication today comes via social media. Let’s try to imagine if God used social media.

What’s God’s Facebook page look like? Would you Friend Request Him to see if He accepted you? Would you have alerts sent to you by phone, text or email when He had something to say? What do you think would be His interest and hobbies? (Savior & Sovereign of the Universe?) Would you have many friends in common?

What about God’s Twitter? He has an account. It is a collection of short, witty and wise saying that are 140 characters or less. They contain insight on speech, relationships, work, companions, diligence, discernment, protecting marriage, adultery and other areas of personal lives. It’s called the book of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters so read a chapter each day of the month. Set aside 10 minutes to read His twitters daily. Then, put them into practice. Hey, go ahead and retweet them to your followers. (You will appear wise beyond your years.)

How about God on YouTube? There are four channels I like best: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They paint a picture of Jesus Christ from four unique viewpoints. Matthew appeals to the Jewish foundation of the faith. Mark shows a man of action. Many chapters begin with the words, “and then” showing Jesus in continual motion. Luke is the physician’s account. We see that especially at the Cross. John is the enraptured, tongue tied soul caught up in the glory and passion for the Beloved of God.

If you like history, read and use your imagination to see the action in Acts. Finally, forget action movies. They pale in comparison to the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Incredible imagery of purity…power…passion. I admit, I skipped ahead to the end of the story. We win. Jesus is Victor and our victory.

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