Thursday, April 19, 2012

Choose Travel Companions Wisely

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.(Proverbs 13:20 )
Charles “Tremendous” Jones was a successful businessman, author and speaker. His signature theme was “the things that most determine the difference in who you are today and who you will become in 5 years are the books you read and the company you keep.”

Others say you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. I used to tell my youth group, your friends determine your future.

To walk with someone, you must be facing the same direction.

Walk also means being in motion and going somewhere. I love to see elderly couples, anyone older than me, walking together in public and talking with one another. It is really touching when they are holding hands.
What are some ways to walk with the wise? What do you take in through your eyegate? What do you read…see on the internet…or watch on videos? I have long ago quit watching the TV news. It does not help me grow as a person, husband, father or friend.

What do you take in through your ears? Is it lyrics and language that builds you up or is filled with cursing that would make a sailor blush? Want to have some fun? Sit down with your kids or grandkids and go over the lyrics to the songs on their Ipod. Be ready for CPR when you hear what some of them listen to.

Another way to walk with the wise is read books or websites that are affirming or inspiring. I commend to one and all. Get books by some of biblically based ministers. A good way to determine a good, biblical author is when you finish reading a message or article does it make you hunger even more for the Word itself?

Choose wisely.

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