Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving becomes thanksliving

See if you can top this for your Thanksgiving.

Our first granddaughter was born two days before Thanksgiving Day. A few days before and one day after she was born, I went in the hospital with heart problems.

The cure? Sedate me and give my heart an electric shock!

My heart was found to have atrial fib. That is when the upper and lower chambers of the heart are not in sync. As a result, the heart does not pump blood efficiently. That led to shortness of breath, dizziness and anxiety.

I think I just described many local churches in Slidell.

Different members of the local body have different ideas and agendas which results in not working well together and illness in the whole body.

A body does not grow unless health is restored. Neither does a church.

I also say it describes lack of cooperation between Christian congregations in Slidell. Many are so focused on meeting their own budgets, baptisms and attendance goals they don’t have to time or resources to help ministries like CCC, Crisis Pregnancy Help Center or one another.

Some are even shutting down.

Want a radical idea? If your church meets for mid week prayer meeting, have someone make a report about another local congregation. Pass out the information like the name of pastor and leaders in the other church along with the church address.

Then pray for them.

Ask God to bless them and build unity among brothers & sisters in Christ in our area.

Then write them to tell them you will be praying for them. (If you really want to touch them, then take up an offering that night and mail it to their church to use as the LORD leads them to use it)

Results? They (the world of non-believers) will know we are His by our love for one another.

Who will be the first to try this?

Saturday, December 1, 2012


For several days our first grand child stayed at our home us while his mom was giving birth to his little sister.

Our household is two parents and two college aged daughters at home.

We thought “how hard can it be to watch one little boy for a few days?” Harder than expected.

We still have not found the TV remote. Our new remote is to call out to whoever is sitting closest to TV to adjust the volume.

Conner was into everything. . He was a bundle of boundless energy and curiosity. He loved walking the dog on his leash in the house. Several times he pulled on the dog’s legs to see if they would detach. Thankfully the legs remained attached but the dog is seeing a therapist!

In the midst of it all, God spoke to my heart.

I am like Conner in so many ways. Restless when I need to be restful. Worrying about getting my own way and expressing discontent or whining when I don’t..

The best way to get Conner to sleep was cradled in someone‘s arms. We best rest when we are cradled in the arms of God’s love and grace. He wants simple fellowship with us.

What touched me the most during Conner’s visit? It was the times my family remarked when Conner and I sat together how much he looked like me.

That’s how it is when we relax with our heavenly Father. We begin to resemble Him. 

People are attracted by the family resemblance.

At this time of year, many people want to be part of a family. 

Why not introduce them to God’s?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Well Done Good and Faithful Servant

Ps 116:15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.”

Today I mourn the passing of a great man of God, Zig Ziglar. He was the patriarch of the self development and positive attitude movements. Zig, who had spoken so many times heart to heart with Jesus got to see Him face to face on November 28th

If you ever heard Zig by tape, CD, YouTube or MP3, you know that he had a distinctive voice and style. It took getting use to but was comforting after a while.

.As I reflect on Zig’s life I think of three key concepts- Faith…family…future.

He had deep faith that controlled all he was and did. He taught Sunday School for years in the Dallas area. He sowed seeds of the Word of God in hearts of generations for many years.

Family was foundational for him as well. Just two days before he died he and his wife celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary! He wrote a book about the death of one his children called “Confession of a Grieving Christian.” He had balance. Zig did not see everything as sunshine but understood one best saw the light against a dark background. He trusted God’s heart when he could not see His hand.

Finally, Zig was committed to the future. He encouraged people to plan their future. He told people set their visions and dreams and put them on paper. Perhaps worse than living an unexamined life is to live one unplanned. Our motto should be if the Lord is willing we will do this and that, and at least have a plan and path to pursue.

If God wants to change you , He certainly can

Just ask the Apostle Paul who used to be called Saul.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

You Are God’s Art

“For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. Ep 2:10

We are created individually within the plans and purpose of God. That is one reason life is sacred. Plus we were created in His image. There is a difference in our lives as works of art and those you see in a museum. Life in God is not just something to be looked at but to be lived.

God does not just want to display you for the world to see and for them to go “Ooh and Ah!” He wants you to do that which He designed for us.

This verse clearly states that God has good works He has planned in advance for us to do. One of the challenges in life is discovering His plans for us.

Let me suggest that with His plan is His pattern. The pattern is not doctrine, Bible principles or Bible stories. The pattern is a person…Jesus Christ. Jesus is the pattern for how we are to live and love. He demonstrated what God intended for man to be before the Fall. We are to be one who Loves God. God communes with us and speaks to us so we hear Him. We should repeat what we hear Him say. We should do what we see Him doing. The Christian life has only been successfully lived by one …Jesus Christ. It is not possible in our own resources.

That brings us from plans to pattern and finally to power. God never asks us to do or be anything He has not equipped us to be. It is the Holy Spirit who is the power in us to fulfill the plans and duplicate the pattern of Christ in our hearts and lives. He is our power

Four key words…purpose…plans…pattern…power.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Final Word

Many of us know the two great commandments. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

What about the third one?  In John 13:34 Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”

Jesus told this to his disciples as he was facing His last week before dying.  Ever have those times when you were having a conversation without someone that turned out to be one of your last with them?   Wish you would have paid attention better?  Sometimes death comes so unexpectedly there is not time to say good-bye or treasure final moments with loved ones.

Final words carry a lot of weight.

Jesus was telling his followers then and now that there is a distinctive trait that will demonstrate they are truly His followers.
We get caught up in things we can observe as opposed to an attitude of love.  We think people are good followers because they go to the right church, attend often, give some, have a position of leadership or something else we can observe.

Why is it important that believers love one another?

It is what the world needs and they are looking for authenticity…acceptance…unity.

It is fulfilling God’s ultimate intention. He wants to call and redeem a group of believers who will so walk in unity and love that the world will notice.

Recently in Slidell, this type of love and unity was demonstrated. With over 1,000 people participating in the Life Chain, we demonstrated a love for life, God and one another.  We took a stand and were not regarded as a collection of individuals, but a body of believers in which Christ lives.

May this happen more often.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pauls’ Pattern for Prayer

Parents love their children. When we pray do we pray the best for them or just temporary relief?

We can produce a laundry list of externals to pray for such as finances, protection, healing and help.

But somehow, the list doesn't really express it. Jesus' heart for His people runs much deeper than material and emotional needs, and it's His heart that we want to touch and reflect as we pray.

What does God want for your children.? Begin to study the prayers of Paul and see.

In Ephesians 3:14-16, Paul began one of his most beautiful prayers. "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man."

My prayer so often begins with externals. I bow my knees unto the Father and ask Him to grant a host of material and circumstantial needs. Since we live so close with our children, we know the nitty-gritty of their lives, and that's where our focus tends to go.

But Paul didn't have this luxury. He was separated from his churches by a great distance. He didn't know their day-to-day problems, so his prayers had to reach much farther — much deeper — much higher. God, I think, arranged it this way.

Paul's prayers teach us to focus first on the heart: the soul, the "inner man." Let’s not focus primarily on the physical things or changes in circumstance. Our children need mighty hearts. When we're strong inside, we can handle great trials. When the glory of God fills us, its joy and beauty will spill over to meet the difficulties in our paths. That friend struggling with temptation; that sister who has cancer; that young man taking exams: what they need most is to be strengthened with true might, by the Spirit of God, in the deepest places of their hearts.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Menu is Never Enough

Hard as it may be for you to believe, I like to eat. Living in Louisiana makes it easy. Slidell offers a wonderful choice of restaurants. One can get seafood, burgers, Italian, Mexican etc.

What I’ve never done is go out to eat and be satisfied looking at the menu. I let the menu guide me where I want to go as far as ordering, but the menu is never enough. Sometimes I note how attractive the menu is, the words to describe the items and even pictures. Still, I want to eat.

Occasionally, the servers describe the items you are considering and stimulate your taste buds into overdrive. Still, bring me the food!

I think our spiritual lives are like the situation I just described.

There are many locations to get spiritual food here in town. A variety of denominations, traditions, speakers, styles of worship, etc. You get to the location, and they present the menu, that is the Bible in different formats. The servers or ministers can describe the wonders in the Word and the reality of Christ in a way that stimulates your desires.

Still, you want the meal.

Don’t stop short by just reading the Bible or taking another’s word.

Get to Jesus Christ Himself.

John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

The Bible is to point us to Jesus and guide us into a relationship with Him. So many believers are living below their opportunity. They study the Bible in classes, accumulate big notebooks and hundreds for principles for living...but miss the One Whom is the focus of the Word. He is the Word John 1:1.

You best know Jesus based on personal relationships, not a set of principles.

Get to Jesus…only He can satisfy you.

Monday, October 1, 2012


And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”. Philippians 1:6

Want to know how to be a good sculptor? Easy, get a picture in mind of what you want to have your sculpture look like, get some clay or better yet marble and chip away anything that does not resemble the finished product. Easy art lesson, huh?

Easier said than done.

This verse is from the last book Paul wrote. He may have written it while chained between two Roman Soldiers while he awaiting trial in Rome.

Yet, this book is one of joy, hope and glorious expectation.

Paul is telling us several things to keep in mind in this one verse.


It is God Who began or commenced the work in us. His goal is to shape the life of Jesus Christ in us. It comes through growth, sifting, testing, pruning and sometimes inflicting pain. Not always pleasant but He does things in our lives with a purpose. Romans 8:28

He is committed more to our growth in faith than we are. He will see it through even if our commitment wavers. He loves us the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way too long!

God does thing to completion. He has a plan and design for you and your life. God does not abandon when we whine or complain or question. He has the end in mind from the beginning. He desires to form Jesus Christ in you and will remove that which does not resemble Him. He will strengthen that which does. We may not agree with His pace or path, but we can trust His purpose.

When we cannot see His hand, we can trust His heart.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homesick for where you have never been

"Now we know that if the earthly tent [physical body] we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.  Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling." 2 Cor. 5:1-2 (NIV)

Ever been homesick for someplace you’ve never been to?

Do we as believers long for heaven? Many look at heaven as another stop on a travel itinerary. It will be nice but they worry about what to do when they get there. Will they be bored in church service all the time is their unspoken fear. That is not what heaven is like.

Let me suggest a few things that will make heaven special.

REDEMPTION comes to mind.

Heaven is the home of the redeemed. Those who have repented of sin and rebellion against a holy God and accepted forgiveness through the shed blood and death of Jesus Christ have been redeemed. God paid the price to restore the relationship He designed us to have with Him. Make no mistake. Heaven is not for “good “people but for those who confess their sinful state and receive God’s gracious forgiveness and new life.

Being in heaven will renew relationships with loved ones who have gone before and those will come later. Think about this. Who, after Jesus, do you most long to see in heaven someday? Let their memory and your anticipation be part of the hope that keeps you pursuing God with a hot heart.

Ask God to help you be homesick for heaven. Let the things of this world lose their attraction and look to God and heaven.

Friday, September 7, 2012

When you lose Joy... there's still Hope

In 1990, I was called to be Youth Pastor at FBC SLIDELL and immediately fell in love with the people at church, the people of Slidell and SE Louisiana.

When our family moved to Slidell, Diana was expecting our third child, Hope.

Coming to this church was a blessing and great relief from a stressful, barely getting by church in Texas.  We labored for the Lord years in Texas and wondered if the He had forgotten us. 

Compounding the frustration, in 1989, we lost a baby in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.  She was going to be named Victoria Joy.  I still recall with choking sadness the trip home from the hospital with empty arms and breaking hearts at our loss.

Things seemed hopeless.

That was a perfect time for God to show up.

In the next year, we were interviewed and visited at FBC. We were voted to be on staff with a unanimous vote.  God’s blessings overflowed.

As we recover from Isaac, let me remind you that Isaac was the son of promise born to older parents.  His name means “he laughs” because that’s what his mother did when told she would bear a child at age 90!

Our recent visit by Isaac has robbed much of the joy in the area.

In 1990, two days after our daughter Hope was born, I was driving us home from the hospital and turned the wrong way.  My wife asked why.  I told her to lift her eyes.  There was beautiful horizon to the heavens rainbow reminding us of God’s love and promises to us.

I asked Diana is she knew what happened a year before  to the day.  Through tears she recalled we were driving home from another hospital where we had lost Joy.

I said told her,” God’s rainbow reminder  is when we lose our Joy... He still give us our Hope.”

SE Louisiana, have faith…joy is diminished but have hope in God.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Prepare Future Celebrations

Sometimes we miss the great emotions and awe in some of the stories we read about Jesus.

Many of us are familiar with the story where Jesus was teaching in a house and the crowd spilled over out into the streets. Mark chapter .

Four friends were carrying their friend on a mat and could not get in that house. So they took the outside stairs to the roof and began divine demolition work!   They likely had to remove tiles and then burrow through the roof to open a hole.

I imagine it filled the house with dust as they dug.  Jesus may have had a little pile of dust on His head as He preached. This was not in the bulletin or order of worship for that day!

Suddenly, they lowered this helpless guy right in front of Jesus!  Kind of hard to ignore.

Jesus looked up and saw the faith of the four friends and said to the man on the mat, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  He knew this man needed forgiveness for sin more than healing.

Then Jesus perceived thoughts of the critics who questioned His authority.  To demonstrate His authority, He spoke words of healing and then man got up in front of everyone and walked away.

They said everyone was amazed and praised God.  Mild understatement.

Try to picture the rooftop celebration. I think the four friends were high fiving and hollering more that Saint’s fans did when Tracy Porter returned an interception for a TD in the Super Bowl!

It’s not hard to imagine the aftermath.  I can picture them running down the stairs and embracing their friend…shouting...crying for joy…loving God.

Do you think this was the last person they ever tried to bring to Jesus?  Not likely. 

So what’s your excuse? 

Don’t want to “offend” a friend by telling them about Jesus?  

Ignore your fears and focus on the celebration some day when you see them again in heaven and rejoice at God’s goodness and grace.  

You too will be shouting…crying for joy…loving God.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Elevate the Elderly

Leviticus 19:32 "Stand up in the presence of the elderly, and show respect for the aged. Fear your God. I am the LORD.

Proverbs 16:31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life

We’ve read about the four boys bullying an elderly woman who was their school bus monitor. The boys have been suspended a year from the school district. They also have to do 50 hours of community service with elderly.

We, in Western culture, do not honor our elderly for the wisdom and life experience they have acquired.

Creation teaches us that age demands dignity and honor. The older the redwoods, the more majestic. Shouldn’t it be true that the older a man, the more he is to be appreciated by others. Young people are missing a great opportunity when they do not get to know the elderly and associate with them.

Consider four things:
First, age does not mean someone is useless. There are groups of retired men and women who travel the US to build churches. Sounds useful to me. You might be surprised by their wit, humor, and their ability to guide you.

Secondly, allow them to share their life with you. I miss the days of visiting with the only grandfather I knew. He was a limitless fount of wisdom and stories. He retired from Esso in Baton Rouge at 60 and then served as a court bailiff until 80! He once pulled his gun on a prisoner trying to escape. When my grandpa called a warning, the prisoner asked “Are you gonna shoot?” My grandpa said he did not want to, but his hand twitched and he could not make a guarantee. The prisoner gave up!

Thirdly, age carries with it a promise. That when we are old we will receive the respect, dignity and honor that is due us. That someone will care and want to return the love and care that was given so long ago to others. It is the Golden Rule in effect.

Fourthly, remember - growing old is not a disease or a woe to humanity. It is a blessing bestowed by God. Honor the elderly and honor God.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Think local first!

How do we minister to Jesus? He tells us how.
Matt 25:37-40 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’”
Here is a trivia question for you?
What group, supported by local churches, has ministered to Jesus this way since 1983? Has touched over 100,000 lives in the Slidell area. In a typical year they touch 6,000 people in 2,000 families, distributing nearly 90,000 lbs of food and provided nearly 8,000 articles of clothing.
Give up?
Community Christian Concern. Like any other not for profit, they are in a constant state of prayer and trust for their financial help.
Though many churches still send people to CCC to receive aid, fewer churches are giving money each year. Many of us get caught up in “going overseas” for missions. Yes, there is something exciting about getting passports, shots and travelling to a foreign land. But does it make sense to do the big trip and neglecting the needs at your own doorstep?
Let me appeal directly to believers, call CCC to see how you can give of your time or resources. Mark your calendar for September 29 for the Freddy Drennan Wildgame Cook OFF. Go to their website to learn more. 985-646-0357.
Be the good Samaritan or should I say Slidellian!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Simply Present

Count me among the smitten. Our first and so far only grandchild, Conner is going to be a year old in June.
He stays with us during the day when his Mom goes to work so we see him a lot. He is at that wonderful stage where his little face lights up when he sees me.

Who can blame him? He will waddle over to the side of his playpen nearest me, smile and hold his little hands up!

My response?

Pick him up.

Now follows the lesson.

There are times he wants me to get him out of his captivity in the playpen and let him roam free. He wants me for independence only. There are times he wants to be fed or needs to be changed. Sometimes he just wants to be with me. Guess which is my favorite?

Conner is teaching me about the heart of our heavenly Father. How many times do we come to God wanting to get out of our situation or mess? Sometimes we want to be fed or need to get cleaned up for the mess we make of our lives.

But, there are times we just want to know His Presence…Person…Peace.

Take a moment, read a small portion of the Word, quiet your heart and simply enjoy Him. Don’t talk or tell Him what you want or what you are going to do for Him. Just let Him love you. Ps 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Choose Travel Companions Wisely

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.(Proverbs 13:20 )
Charles “Tremendous” Jones was a successful businessman, author and speaker. His signature theme was “the things that most determine the difference in who you are today and who you will become in 5 years are the books you read and the company you keep.”

Others say you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. I used to tell my youth group, your friends determine your future.

To walk with someone, you must be facing the same direction.

Walk also means being in motion and going somewhere. I love to see elderly couples, anyone older than me, walking together in public and talking with one another. It is really touching when they are holding hands.
What are some ways to walk with the wise? What do you take in through your eyegate? What do you read…see on the internet…or watch on videos? I have long ago quit watching the TV news. It does not help me grow as a person, husband, father or friend.

What do you take in through your ears? Is it lyrics and language that builds you up or is filled with cursing that would make a sailor blush? Want to have some fun? Sit down with your kids or grandkids and go over the lyrics to the songs on their Ipod. Be ready for CPR when you hear what some of them listen to.

Another way to walk with the wise is read books or websites that are affirming or inspiring. I commend to one and all. Get books by some of biblically based ministers. A good way to determine a good, biblical author is when you finish reading a message or article does it make you hunger even more for the Word itself?

Choose wisely.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Know about or know personally

Psalms 103:7 said God made His ways known to Moses but his deeds to Israel. What a contrast. Israel was content to base their belief about God on their external senses. They wanted to see God do for them or unto their enemies. When God did not seem to be paying attention, all restrictions on behavior and morality went out the window. Many people live the lives of area code Christians. They believe when they get out of their area code, it’s like God does not care or is not paying attention. Take a Caribbean cruise to see how this works.

Moses however knew more than just the actions of God. He knew the heart and motives of God. Ex 33:11 says Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” WOW! If we really got to know and spend time with God, He would speak to us plainly, intimately, helpfully as friend to friend. A friend does not always demand an explanation, but always supports. Sometimes a friend just sits with you and does not say a word. You are comforted just by their presence. A friend sticks closer than a brother. A friend walks with you through the valley of the shadow of death. A friend might even die for you.

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

That little voice you hear in your heart? That’s your Friend saying, “Let’s spend some time together…maybe even talk!”

Saturday, April 14, 2012

What if God used Social Media?

Much of communication today comes via social media. Let’s try to imagine if God used social media.

What’s God’s Facebook page look like? Would you Friend Request Him to see if He accepted you? Would you have alerts sent to you by phone, text or email when He had something to say? What do you think would be His interest and hobbies? (Savior & Sovereign of the Universe?) Would you have many friends in common?

What about God’s Twitter? He has an account. It is a collection of short, witty and wise saying that are 140 characters or less. They contain insight on speech, relationships, work, companions, diligence, discernment, protecting marriage, adultery and other areas of personal lives. It’s called the book of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters so read a chapter each day of the month. Set aside 10 minutes to read His twitters daily. Then, put them into practice. Hey, go ahead and retweet them to your followers. (You will appear wise beyond your years.)

How about God on YouTube? There are four channels I like best: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They paint a picture of Jesus Christ from four unique viewpoints. Matthew appeals to the Jewish foundation of the faith. Mark shows a man of action. Many chapters begin with the words, “and then” showing Jesus in continual motion. Luke is the physician’s account. We see that especially at the Cross. John is the enraptured, tongue tied soul caught up in the glory and passion for the Beloved of God.

If you like history, read and use your imagination to see the action in Acts. Finally, forget action movies. They pale in comparison to the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Incredible imagery of purity…power…passion. I admit, I skipped ahead to the end of the story. We win. Jesus is Victor and our victory.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I’ll be praying for you!

“I’ll be praying for you”.

Someone at church shares a need or concern about health, finances, family or any of a thousand subjects that trouble them. We want to do and say the right thing so we say “I’ll pray for you”…then we forget.

The exception to this is my mentor and role model in ministry, Dr. Hoyte Nelson, Pastor Emeritus FBC, Slidell.

He embodies compassion and concern. He walks with God. He talks with God. I think he and God are best friends.

Twenty two years ago, after my first week on staff at FBC, I saw Dr. Nelson in the sanctuary just before the morning service. He came to me and clasped my hand and asked how I was doing. I told him I was excited at the opportunity to here, but missed my family who would not be moving to Slidell for another 3 weeks. I asked him to pray for them. That was Diana, who was 7 ½ pregnant with our 3rd child Hope, our son Billy age 4 and first daughter, Grace 19 months. Dr. Nelson said he would pray and I thought that was the end of that. Wrong.
Dr. Nelson closed his eyes and began to pray aloud…right there…right then. Didn’t he know people were watching, the service was about to begin, that I felt awkward?

He didn’t seem to mind. Why? He was talking to the Father on my behalf. I don’t remember the words of what he prayed but the moment will be forever pressed into my heart. There have been numerous times since then I have sought him out. I always enjoy the simplicity, sweetness and purity of his heart before the throne of God.

Try this next time someone asks you to pray for them. You’ll both be blessed.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Set Sean Free…Indeed

In Louisiana few things that stirs passions like the New Orleans Saints. Who does not remember where they were the moment we beat the Vikings with an overtime field goal? Starting the second half of the Super Bowl with an onside kick? Tracy Porter’s interception and TD? None of the 100 million female viewers will forget when Drew Brees, with tears in his eyes, was holding his little boy saying “I love you!”

Lately, it has been rough times for the Saints as Bountygate has come out. Football fans love the collisions in the sport and huge hits. But, I don’t think any of us really want to see a player’s career ended on the field, especially for a bounty that pays less than 1/10 of a percent of a player’s annual salary.

Yet when the punishments were handed down, we were up in arms.

I have seen posts on Facebook and pictures on Twitter saying Free Sean Payton. I agree. He should be free and I know how.

John 8:32 Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

It reminds me of why Martha Stewart went to jail. She was not convicted of insider trading but lying to federal investigators and obstruction of justice.

Same for Coach Payton. When you lie to the ultimate boss, Goodell, and then expect others to lie for you, many times you will get caught and punished.

I want to see Coach Payton set free as well…just from a different prison. Like all of us, he needs to be set free from the prison of sinful pride. Let’s pray his year off to spend time with his family will help him gain perspective, passion and rest. Let’s pray he comes back knowing He Who is the truth and sets us free.

Bless you boys!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Watch what you say!

When we go to church on Sundays, we often get caught up in unintentional but habitual lies. What? Lying in church, who would have imagined?

What is the most common lie on Sunday morning? That’s too easy. It’s response you hear when you see someone and ask “How are you?”

Quick, what’s their automatic...thoughtless…insincere response? “I’m fine!” There it is! Right there in God’s house, or at least on His parking lot.

We begin our Lord’s Day expressions by lying to one another.

God has a lot to say about being honest and speaking to one another with integrity. Mean what you say…say what you mean.

Ephesians 4:25 “ Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”

Colossians 3:9 “Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices.”

Why do we tell this Sunday morning lie?

Because we have believed a lie.

The enemy lies and tells us things like “no other family has disobedient kids…financial pressure…marital stress.” Let me use a Greek word for that…BALONEY.
John 8:44 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Any family that pretends they have it together is lying to you and themselves.

The real missed opportunity is that when people become real and vulnerable, God can really work.

Risk the trauma of transparency and tell someone the truth next time they ask how you are doing?

They’ll either not hear you, be speechless or may give you a hug.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Have you met TED yet?

Have you met Ted yet?

How many people have you met that really improved your life?  

Have you met anyone on the net yet that can do that?

Would you invest 15 minutes of your life to learn something new?  Challenge the way you think?

Let me introduce you to Ted.  This stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design.  This group has held 2 conferences annually to bring together some of the world’s most innovative thinkers and doers.  They are asked to give the presentation of their lives and do so in less than 18 minutes.

TED is committed to the spreading of ideas, thus they have a free website with 900 of their best presentations.

Let me challenge you to go to their website during lunch someday and pick a topic or presentation that looks interesting and stretch your thinking.

You will find the talks will sometimes irritate…fascinate…and educate.

Our minds are like other muscles in the body. They must be stretched, exercised and used or else they grow weak.

Check out and begin bodybuilding for your brain!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Simple Salvation

What was the genius of Steve Jobs? He did not invent the mouse, the MP3 player or the personal computer. His genius really was simplicity. Real genius can take something complex and make it simple to understand and accept.

I am still in the life insurance business and have qualified for the Million Dollar Roundtable. It is for the top 5% of agents in the world. The top level is Top of the Table. These agents sell a ton of insurance to a lot of people. How do they do it? Not with 20 page financial plans or scenarios. Most of them bring a yellow pad, pen and a simple concept to meet a prospect. They listen to the prospect, discern their stories and needs and then draw out simple one page solutions.

No mention of premium or dollars per month, just simple, easy to choose solutions.

One of the downfalls in how we live our faith is we tend to overcomplicate things. We tell people they have to behave a certain way, read a chosen translation of the Bible, attend OUR church to really get to heaven and the list goes on, and on, and on…

God must weep.

Read the story in Luke 15 of the Prodigal son. This is a simple story to communicate the gospel.
Son chooses his own way (sin), leaves the father (separation), comes to his senses in the pig pen and decides to return home, (repentance) and humbles himself to the father (restoration).

More telling is the father’s heart. He grieves over each one of us who turn from Him. He welcomes us back without “I told you so”. He gives us a robe to cover our filth, (His righteousness), a ring to show authority (the Holy Spirit inside us) and party to celebrate our homecoming (rejoicing over us with love).

Home sick yet?

Come home to God. It’s simple.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Right question leads to right answer

Romans 14:7-8 “ For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself.  For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.”

There is a question we face  in our lives.

“What am I here for?”

Good universal concept, but wrong focus.

It’s not WHAT but WHO am I here for is the focus.

The answer for believers…it’s Jesus.

To live for yourself is shallow…superficial…unsatisfying

To live for other people can bring temporary happiness but ultimate frustration. They will disappoint you. They will not be grateful for “all you have done for them”. They may turn on you…turn from you…turn you away.

Jesus never will.

When you live unto the LORD there are at least three things that happen.

God’s glory is magnified.   Your life points to someone higher and greater than you  He is the reason you work better and harder than anyone else. He is the reason you look at your classroom conduct and performance as a ways to honor Him with your best.

Your gain comes with it.  Jesus told his disciples that those who followed Him would be blessed and He would multiply their family and friends in this life.  Make sense right?  Who wouldn’t want to be around someone who walks humbly, tenderly and lovingly with God?  You  become like those with whom you spend the most time.

Your good can follow.  Jesus tells us to remember we are light of the world and a city on a hill. Our good works should refresh others and reflect on Him. The word says to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you.

If you are living to Him…the answer is Jesus.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

God used who?

In John 4, Jesus stops for water in the land of half breeds, Samaria.  Jews viewed Samaritans as impure and mongrels.  Jesus has a talk with this questionable woman.  This woman’s soul was exposed by Jesus with some probing, insightful questions. He exposed her heart about the futile promises of prior relationships.  True satisfaction is found only in He Who is living water. She was so transformed with the living water of knowing Jesus, she left her water jar behind to go tell people she had met the promised one.

With today’s media managers, Jesus would have been told with whom to be seen, where to appear, how to phrase an “acceptable” politically correct message so to get the most favorable exposure.

He cared not for the fleeting fame of men…He cared about the eternal soul of this woman.

Think about it. In the past, when people saw this woman in the streets or the marketplace she was looked at and talked about as “that one”.  Perhaps she was the party animal of OldeTown Slidell or even the French Quarter.  She was a “Girls Gone Wild Mideast Spring Break”, “Real Housewives of Sychar”. She had been marred 5 times and was living with someone without the benefit of marriage.

What an unlikely choice for someone to share the good news about Jesus.

But, are we really surprised?

Look throughout the Gospels at who Jesus hung out with.  Look at the twelve He chose.  Cursing fishermen, IRS agents, revolutionaries, people prone to violence, traitors.  Gutless wonders after the garden arrest.

Imagine this woman going person to person and perhaps door to door to say I have found Him. Considering she lived among the half breed Samaritans, it was one outcast going to another to tell them she had found mercy and acceptance.

Isn’t that what evangelism should be today?

Why did they come to see this Jesus she talked about? He told her all she had ever done. She was changed. She probably had a glow and urgency about her.  She was on fire with a love for Jesus.

Where are those people today?  Not just those who say they are “on fire “for the Lord in the comfort of their church buildings, but actively, intentionally and urgently go into the community to tell others “I have found the one!”

People are fascinated by changed lives.

It gives them hope for the mess their lives are.