Diana and I attended a fund raising event that typifies South Louisiana.
It was a cool evening in early spring, seafood was being prepared every way imaginable and we gathered at the stately home of the Sabadies. It sits on several acres and is fronted by woods and the back of the property backs up to a beautiful Bayou.
The main attraction was a visit with Governor Bobby Jindal. The man is what you would want a leader to be. Humble, gracious and a focused listener. He has a warm, easy smile and a good personal manner about him.
He also has passion for the sanctity of human life for the unborn.
He was taken aback when I asked him to thank his wife and children for giving up their time with him so we could meet him. Especially thanks for allowing him to lead our state. Most of us do not consider the sacrifice that the spouses and children make when their loved ones are in public service.
I hope he is the conservative candidate in a future run for the White House.
God has His hand on Bobby Jindal.
Pray the the Governor will seek not just politically skilled people to surroudn himself with, but people who can give counsel from God.
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