After nearly 13 years, we said goodbye to a family friend today. It was our 1996 Chevy Suburban.
Big Red had served us faithfully through the most important years of our children growing up. When we first got the vehicle, our children were 9,5,3 and 1. They are now 22, 20,18 and 14!
That Fire Truck Red Suburban has taken us on trips to Disneyworld, mission trips to Minnesota and even to officiate a memorial service for a young woman struck down in her youth in Jacksonville, FL.
Big Red was our carriage during Katrina and our refuge during Rita.
Big Red made long trips such as to North Carolina for a wedding and fun return trip on way back through Chattanooga.
This morning, we were having another car picked up by AAA towing. The driver asked about buying the car he was towing. I told him it was a recent purchase, but the Suburban in the back driveway was for sale.
Now, Big Red did not look like much. It had a hood that bulged up from two different accidents our son had in it. One of its' headlights drooped like a stroke victim who had lost control of his facial muscles. It's back door on the driver's side has been dented for three years. I did not get it fixed for two reasons. To get it fixed would have been more expensive than the car was worth and the dent was a reminder of a time when Big Red saved my son's life in an accident. Big Red was a great protective device.
Who cares about gas mileage when the vehicle can extend your life expectancy!
The tow truck driver asked could he drive Big Red around the block and I agreed. He returned 5 minutes later with excitement and hope. He got his wife and 2 year old daughter out of the cab of his tow truck. You see, they owned no personal family vehicle. Anywhere they had to go, the store, to see family or to work was in that tow truck.
Sometimes the wife had to walked 1 1/2miles to work if her husband was out on a tow job. Same thing at night if he was not around or she had to keep calling to try to get a ride home.
They asked the price and I told them. They were going to ask for a loan from his boss but, we worked out a better deal. God told us to drop the price considerably.
Big Red is now in the hands of a family that does not care about AC, paint and body work. They drove from the title transfer office like they had won a major prize. It was a chance to be blessed as we blessed them.
We wept for joy as they drove out of sight.
The man and his wife asked us why we came off the price so much and we told them God told us to. I hope that a seed of faith has been sown in the hearts of this precious, needy and struggling family. My prayer is that someday, they will tell their little girl about how they went to rescue someone and God showed up to their rescue!
May God bless them with Big Red as he did us for over a decade.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
He is Better in Person than He comes Across on TV

Diana and I attended a fund raising event that typifies South Louisiana.
It was a cool evening in early spring, seafood was being prepared every way imaginable and we gathered at the stately home of the Sabadies. It sits on several acres and is fronted by woods and the back of the property backs up to a beautiful Bayou.
The main attraction was a visit with Governor Bobby Jindal. The man is what you would want a leader to be. Humble, gracious and a focused listener. He has a warm, easy smile and a good personal manner about him.
He also has passion for the sanctity of human life for the unborn.
He was taken aback when I asked him to thank his wife and children for giving up their time with him so we could meet him. Especially thanks for allowing him to lead our state. Most of us do not consider the sacrifice that the spouses and children make when their loved ones are in public service.
I hope he is the conservative candidate in a future run for the White House.
God has His hand on Bobby Jindal.
Pray the the Governor will seek not just politically skilled people to surroudn himself with, but people who can give counsel from God.
Monday, March 16, 2009
When Bad News Turns Out GREAT!!!
Recently I was trying to expand my product offering with life insurance companies I would represent. There was one company in particular I wanted to sell for who had great prices and world class reputation.
I was angry when they turned me down. I thought they were being too picky in overlooking me.
Now.. I am so grateful. I would have sold dozens of their policies by now and had a lot of explaining to do with every headline. I would have clients who had paid premiums for what could be worthless paper and not the insurance they needed.
The company who turned me down? The company I am relieved not to represent...AIG!!!
I was angry when they turned me down. I thought they were being too picky in overlooking me.
Now.. I am so grateful. I would have sold dozens of their policies by now and had a lot of explaining to do with every headline. I would have clients who had paid premiums for what could be worthless paper and not the insurance they needed.
The company who turned me down? The company I am relieved not to represent...AIG!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Missing Texas
Most of my early years were in Texas. Primarily in Houston with a little adventure to the D/FW area when I went to seminary.
Recently, I have found myself missing it more and more. With the amazing way Facebook can connect people who were out of touch for decades, I am hearing about many of my earlier friends from high school and church still in Texas.
I recently missed an event I would have loved to been able to attend. My highs school band director, Bill "Bulldog" Brawn recently was the guest of honor at a birthday party with former band students. I have heard a few stories and seen a couple of pictures of the event on Facebook.
We called him "Bulldog" because he had he jowls of a bulldog and the apparent temperament of one as well. He was single minded and tough regarding what we would put on the field for halftime or play in a concert setting. The Dobie band did innovative things and set the standard by which many programs in Texas were measured.
Now, years later, I appreciate all types of music thanks to that experience and exposure.
I find it amazing how many people are just now discovering the power of "O Fortuna" as the opening movement to Carmina Burana. I remember the hours of practice on that and Lincolnshire Posy.
I remember one time taking the 5 best brass players to solo and ensemble contest and working on some ridiculous music with like 10 movements. We were only required to play 5. The judge asked us which we wanted to play and we asked which he wanted to hear. He asked for them all and put away the score sheet early on in the performance because we were doing an outstanding job.
Happy Birthday Mr Brawn. I hope the gift of love and thanks returned to you made your life a little warmer.
Recently, I have found myself missing it more and more. With the amazing way Facebook can connect people who were out of touch for decades, I am hearing about many of my earlier friends from high school and church still in Texas.
I recently missed an event I would have loved to been able to attend. My highs school band director, Bill "Bulldog" Brawn recently was the guest of honor at a birthday party with former band students. I have heard a few stories and seen a couple of pictures of the event on Facebook.
We called him "Bulldog" because he had he jowls of a bulldog and the apparent temperament of one as well. He was single minded and tough regarding what we would put on the field for halftime or play in a concert setting. The Dobie band did innovative things and set the standard by which many programs in Texas were measured.
Now, years later, I appreciate all types of music thanks to that experience and exposure.
I find it amazing how many people are just now discovering the power of "O Fortuna" as the opening movement to Carmina Burana. I remember the hours of practice on that and Lincolnshire Posy.
I remember one time taking the 5 best brass players to solo and ensemble contest and working on some ridiculous music with like 10 movements. We were only required to play 5. The judge asked us which we wanted to play and we asked which he wanted to hear. He asked for them all and put away the score sheet early on in the performance because we were doing an outstanding job.
Happy Birthday Mr Brawn. I hope the gift of love and thanks returned to you made your life a little warmer.
When Dad Became a Legend
As referred to in a previous post, there is a reason my kids will no longer play the game CLUE with me.
One day, we had gone to all the trouble of setting it the game up and had our positions at the table. We were ready for a good, mind stretching battle to figure out who did it, where and with what weapon. I told the kids we would play ONE game.
On my FIRST turn, I guessed, Col. Mustard, in the library and with the wrench. There was a moment of silence while the answer was verified..I was right!
The blind pig had found the acorn! My ship had come in! I should go go pick lottery numbers while I was on fire!
Instantly, the children rose up in one accord to pronounce what a wise, caring, discerning Dad they all had...NOT!!!
There were screams of disbelief and accusations of cheating. There were demands for a replay. Did not happen. I held my ground and did not play again. I am no longer allowed to play. I retired as champ and mystical mindreader.
One day, we had gone to all the trouble of setting it the game up and had our positions at the table. We were ready for a good, mind stretching battle to figure out who did it, where and with what weapon. I told the kids we would play ONE game.
On my FIRST turn, I guessed, Col. Mustard, in the library and with the wrench. There was a moment of silence while the answer was verified..I was right!
The blind pig had found the acorn! My ship had come in! I should go go pick lottery numbers while I was on fire!
Instantly, the children rose up in one accord to pronounce what a wise, caring, discerning Dad they all had...NOT!!!
There were screams of disbelief and accusations of cheating. There were demands for a replay. Did not happen. I held my ground and did not play again. I am no longer allowed to play. I retired as champ and mystical mindreader.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
When was last time you...played a table game with your family?
Today's modern family very rarely seems to have any time together, even when under the same roof. There are times when 5 of us are home and three are on separate computers, two others are watching two different TV's and the dog is just wandering around as well.
I long for the days of table games.
When our children were little we used to love UNO. Simple rules and the whole family can play. I remember one school night the kids were bugging us for road trip to get ice cream and I was trying to get them in bed. We had a UNO game to determine who would get their way. Adults (2) vs. kids(4). If either adult won, off to bed with the kids. If any of the 4 kids won, to Winn-Dixie for Blue Bell and all the toppings.
We had a spirited, highly tense game going. The kid were squirming in their seats. The talking was non-stop. Right as good Old Dad was about to win, Kristen, at the time about 6, peaked over her hand and said "Sorry" and stuck me with another card and won!
The jubilation on behalf of the kids can not be described.
My wife gave me a look that said, "Sleeper sofa" and "You are in BIG trouble" at the same time.
We took an adrenaline laced trip to buy 3 containers of Blue Bell with almost every topping the kids could imagine. (I drew the line at frozen shrimp.)
The subsequent pig fest and celebration is still recalled an relived with great fondness 8 years later.
Next Blog I will tell you why the kids HATE playing CLUE with me.
I long for the days of table games.
When our children were little we used to love UNO. Simple rules and the whole family can play. I remember one school night the kids were bugging us for road trip to get ice cream and I was trying to get them in bed. We had a UNO game to determine who would get their way. Adults (2) vs. kids(4). If either adult won, off to bed with the kids. If any of the 4 kids won, to Winn-Dixie for Blue Bell and all the toppings.
We had a spirited, highly tense game going. The kid were squirming in their seats. The talking was non-stop. Right as good Old Dad was about to win, Kristen, at the time about 6, peaked over her hand and said "Sorry" and stuck me with another card and won!
The jubilation on behalf of the kids can not be described.
My wife gave me a look that said, "Sleeper sofa" and "You are in BIG trouble" at the same time.
We took an adrenaline laced trip to buy 3 containers of Blue Bell with almost every topping the kids could imagine. (I drew the line at frozen shrimp.)
The subsequent pig fest and celebration is still recalled an relived with great fondness 8 years later.
Next Blog I will tell you why the kids HATE playing CLUE with me.
Friday, March 6, 2009
When God answers prayer...will you recognize it?
For both of you who follow this blog, I apologize for begin so inconsistent and undisciplined. I have much to catch up on but will begin with the most important first.
Why is it so hard to tell people the truth? Particularly for those who say they love one another, Christians, tend to temper things because we don't want to "hurt feeling".
Then,when we tell the truth, it is often not with a broken heart about another's condition nor with any solutions in mind.
32 days ago, I got a phone call from a friend named R.J. who helped me more with my weight than anyone who has ever tried. R.J. simply pointed me to a web site that is helping him a great deal. It is set up to help believers with sins that have dominated their lives for a long time-mine is overeating.
It has been a 32 day journey into my relationship with God and it last for 60 days. It has helped me a great deal, but I do not want to take any credit. It is has been successful as I learn to turn from satisfying myself with worldly pleasures to getting my satisfaction in the LORD.
In the meantime, I am starting a new company an doing some additional marketing for a law firm and a financial products rep. I will keep you posted more consistently. PRAY!!
Why is it so hard to tell people the truth? Particularly for those who say they love one another, Christians, tend to temper things because we don't want to "hurt feeling".
Then,when we tell the truth, it is often not with a broken heart about another's condition nor with any solutions in mind.
32 days ago, I got a phone call from a friend named R.J. who helped me more with my weight than anyone who has ever tried. R.J. simply pointed me to a web site that is helping him a great deal. It is set up to help believers with sins that have dominated their lives for a long time-mine is overeating.
It has been a 32 day journey into my relationship with God and it last for 60 days. It has helped me a great deal, but I do not want to take any credit. It is has been successful as I learn to turn from satisfying myself with worldly pleasures to getting my satisfaction in the LORD.
In the meantime, I am starting a new company an doing some additional marketing for a law firm and a financial products rep. I will keep you posted more consistently. PRAY!!
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