Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You Never Know How the Blessing Will Flow

Big secret about me: I love people.

More than that, I love helping people.

Several years ago, I took a class to help me grow I my confidence in my insurance business. It was to help me better understand who I am, what I do effortlessly and how I can bless others.

One exercise was to survey 10-15 people who know me well and ask the following questions:

What makes me unique?

What makes me stand out in a crowd?

What do I do well?

It is a humbling and eye opening exercise I would encourage you to try.

The things that came out about me most consistently were:

- good communicator both with individuals and in public

- passion for people and their needs

- distinctive physical presence- not just size, but height and voice

One thing that came up with people who know me best is that I LOVE to get to know people’s needs and then bring every resource to bear that I can to help them.


I will share some stories in future blogs how the Lord has me in the right place a right time to help others. It is fun and fulfilling.

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