Monday, October 31, 2011

Now THIS is a reality show!

I have a great idea for a new reality show.  It's going to have great ratings, be talked about on the internet and light up Twitter non-stop.  Ready for the title…Idolatry Reality.

Former NBA star, Latrell Sprewell turned down a $21 million contract because he said it wasn’t enough money to feed his family. Sprewell made over $96 million during his career.  According to MSNBC, his $5.4 million house went into foreclosure in May 2008. Don’t blame Sprewell for turning down the three-year, $21 million contract though. I mean really, who could live off a measly $7 million a year?

Let’s follow him around as he tries to find a job that will meet his needs.

To many people, Latrell was a “sports idol”.  Millions of kids want to dedicate their lives to becoming like their idol for the fame and fortune. The problem is, many who make it big, lose it quickly.

Right now my lead candidate for an Idolatry Reality series is the hyper ego TO, Terrell Owens.  He got national TV coverage for a tryout to get back into the NFL as a 38 year old recuperating from knee surgery.  Guess how many teams sent someone to watch…ZERO.  This man earned over $30 million in 15 years and now cannot make child support of $5,000 per month.  I guess he overvalued his worth in the marketplace. He also caused controversy in any locker room he joined.

That’s what I call vanity.

I think God is serious when He says “you shall serve no other gods before me”

Though these are obvious examples, how do we expose idols in our everyday lives?  Simple.  Show me where you spend your time and money and I will show you your idol.   To whom does you mind turn when you have quiet moments? Self or God?

I’ll close with a chorus of a familiar song, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace”.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Passionately Pursue Pleasure



Want to know the basic flaw with most Christians? They do not seek pleasure enough.

God created us to pursue pleasure and pursue it with all that we are. Yet, many church leaders tell us just the opposite. “Suppress pleasure…deny pleasure…decline pleasure!”

Jesus said in John 10:10 that HE came that we might have life and that to the fullest. He came to set us free from the presence, power and punishment of sin. He delights in us as a Father does in His children. He loves being with us.

Here’s the rub? Do we delight in Him?

See, that is where, or in Whom, we need to pursue pleasure more and better.

Ps 16:11 says, “11You make known to me the path of life;  in your presence there is fullness of joy;   at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

King David, at the height of worship and wonder in God says in essence YOU are the utmost pleasure. We settle for so little because we choose to pursue pleasure in anything and everything except God. As C.S. Lewis says, “we like children content to play in the mud puddle and miss a holiday at the beach!”

Two authors will blow your mind and challenge the focus of your faith are John Piper and Sam Storms. Piper has written Desiring God and it is summed up in this phrase. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.”

When a husband brings roses to his wife on their anniversary and she thanks him and his response is he felt it was his duty, does she feel honored and treasured? NO. When he take her to dinner or watches the movie she wants to watch and she ask why and his response is “there is no one on earth I would rather spend time with, whose very presence gives me pleasure”, then she feels honored and valued.

It is the same with our Father. He designed us and desires us to long for His presence more than His blessings or gifts. He wants us to savor a relationship with Him.

Back to my opening sentence…we not only do not seek enough pleasure, we seek it from the wrong source. Sin delights for a season (brief time)…God is forevermore.