OK..it’s that time of year. Get your legal pad and pencil and write resolutions for 2011. I suggest pencil because things change. Remember, resolutions are like diapers…both get messy and need to be changed often.
Why not pass “GO” and focus on change?
I suggest you pick 4 things to change in the next 4 weeks. Don’t focus on goals but on habits. Pick 4 simple habits over the next 4 weeks and your habits will work for you.
My first 4…
… drink more water and no soda
… be active or exercise 30-45 minutes daily while enjoying good music or preaching on my IPOD
… do writing through blogs, journal or Facebook twice daily for 30 minutes each time
... make first ½ hour and last ½ hour of each day time with the LORD in Word or prayer
I will keep you updated as I make progress